Nothing on Earth Can Compare
Edwards captures the largeness of God and heaven.
The Northampton pastor compels his hearers to remember the sweet and sometimes forgotten promises of Scripture. The “mustard seed” that fights to grow here will surely grow into “a great tree” in eternity. The soul that fought to taste the love of God in this earth but battled bitterly against besetting sin, hurtful situations, and... Continue Reading
The Genre of Luke’s Gospel
If Pitts is right that Luke-Acts presents itself as history, then we’ll better understand Luke-Acts if we focus on what that two-volume work says about the Christian movement.
What difference does it make whether Luke is biography or history? Simply that we’ll better observe Luke’s focus, which enables us to focus there with him. Since Matthew, Mark, and John are biographies of Jesus, we read them rightly when we focus on the person of Jesus. Of course, we can’t ignore what Jesus did or... Continue Reading
Book Review of Raising Kids in a “You Can Do It” World by Paul Tautges
This brief book is a quick but important read for busy parents.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is central to this book, emphasizing the need for parents to acknowledge that we are all sinners, the cost God paid for our salvation, and the high cost of following Him. The key is to be authentic. “Our kids…need parents who know how desperately they need the Savior themselves” (p.... Continue Reading
“The Making of Christian Morality: Reading Paul in Ancient and Modern Contexts” by David G. Horrell
Horrell’s approach to Scripture makes him a less than reliable guide.
Horrell is right to recognize that nobody reads Scripture in a vacuum. We are all deeply affected by the social and intellectual contexts in which we live, and we all come to Scripture with various questions and biases, many of which we are often not even aware. It is also legitimate to seek insight from... Continue Reading
Transgender to Transformed
I know countless people who have lived for years in the homosexual or transgender lifestyle and who now are gloriously saved and walking in the holiness of their new lives in Christ.
I was with Laura recently when she joined Pastor Geoff Kirkland of Christ Fellowship Bible Church, others, and me as we proclaimed the good news of Jesus Christ at Pridefest, St. Louis, an event advocating homosexuality. I asked her at dinner one night if she ever has any desire to go back to her former... Continue Reading
A Short Review of Levinson’s Beyond Critique
This book is the best source I’ve found for those interested in a systematic explanation of critical theory from the pen of critical theorists themselves.
Popularly, critical theory is known as ‘cultural Marxism’ because it is thought to translate Marx’s idea of an economic class struggle into social and cultural terms. Instead of workers (the proletariat) being oppressed by owners (the bourgeoisie) via their control of the means of production, various subordinate demographic groups (women, people of color, the LGBTQ+ community,... Continue Reading
Pictures of Preachers
Stott’s brief book covering New Testament word-pictures related to pastoral ministry is brief, Biblical, and powerfully and beautifully written.
Any pastor who reads this book somewhat regularly will be equipped to develop their own practice of preaching because the theology presented is so clear and Biblical. Any churchgoer will be helped by a greater understanding of their pastor’s calling and work. John Stott was an English Anglican pastor, whose commentaries and books on... Continue Reading
A Short Review of Collins’ and Bilge’s Intersectionality
The concept of ‘intersectionality’ states that people are complex and can’t be understood as the sum of their identity markers.
“Intersectionality is a way of understanding and analyzing the complexity in the world, in people, and in human experiences. The events and conditions of social and political life and the self can seldom be understood as shaped by one factor. They are generally shaped by many factors in diverse and mutually influencing ways. When it... Continue Reading
The Incarnation
The Incarnation is a wonderful miracle of God by which Jesus, truly God and truly man, bridges the gap between God and man.
They say that “God created a new human nature for His Son” that “merely passed…through Mary.” Instead, MLJ states that is a true human, the seed of Abraham and the seed of David: “Now if a special human nature had been created for Him, He would not have been the son of David nor the... Continue Reading
A Short Review of Cone’s, “The Cross and the Lynching Tree”
Cone’s fundamental mistake is characterizing doctrines as either "White" or "Black" and then rejecting doctrines that he deemed "White."
In reimagining the Bible as a narrative about political oppression and subjugation, Cone misses the real liberation and unity that only the true biblical narrative can provide. Physical bondage is terrible and degrading, but spiritual bondage is far worse. Jesus indeed came as a liberator, but he came primarily to set us free from sin,... Continue Reading
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