Learning from Our Christian Past
Book Review: Christianity is rooted in history which we need to be aware of.
Wisdom from the Ancients: 30 Forgotten Lessons from the Early Church by Bryan M. Litfin (Harvest House, 2022). Consider also Chapter 6 which reminds us that Christians have always been misfits. The early believers knew that they were strangers in a strange land. While they always sought to have a positive impact on the world around them,... Continue Reading
Don’t Be Jaded by Christmas. Ponder the Virgin Birth.
Review: ‘Conceived by the Holy Spirit’ by Rhyne R. Putman
The New Testament’s description of Christ’s miraculous conception, virgin birth, and childhood are fulfillments of the Old Testament’s hope. This includes hope for the Messiah, for David’s son, for Abraham’s heir, for the seed of woman. It includes hope for the restored temple, for the restored land, and for the restored people of God. As... Continue Reading
Pineapples and Biblical Interpretation — What’s the Connection?
Potential errors we risk committing while interpreting what the Bible says and means.
To avoid root fallacies when interpreting the meaning of biblical words, use the help of reliable lexicons along with knowing how the same writer uses the particular word elsewhere. Then strive to understand the word in its immediate context. Your understanding of the Bible will be noticeably and fruitfully enhanced. The very first fallacy... Continue Reading
Tracing The Problem Of Evil
An excerpt from “Defeating Evil: How God Glorifies Himself in a Dark World”
Because we cannot avoid presupposing that a supremely wise God of perfect goodness, righteousness, justice, and truth alone sets the standard by which all things that fail to meet this standard must be measured. Without the sun, we’d never know that we lurk beneath the shadows. In other words, without a supremely good God, you... Continue Reading
The Full Authority of Scripture
Bending the Scriptures by our lives to fit this culture.
A case in point is William Lane Craig’s, In Quest of the Historical Adam: A Biblical and Scientific Exploration in which he affirms inerrancy. Craig judges the encounter in the Garden as palpably false if taken literally. Why? Because science says it does not make sense. Craig admits that he is trying to square Genesis... Continue Reading
The Gathering Storm
Book Review: Mohler winsomely breaks down threats to religious liberty, LGBTQ propaganda, and so much more.
Mohler goes on to say in one part of the book that, essentially, secular culture is bankrupt and has no validity—it’s sinking ground. Mohler: The secular age writes checks it cannot cash. It claims to uphold human rights even as it undercuts any argument for human dignity and natural rights. It invents new rights (like... Continue Reading
Have You Passed the Test?
On the need for spiritual check-ups.
On this issue of examining ourselves, we certainly do need to keep tabs on our life, but we also must guard against being overly introspective. It is not our own lives that we mainly need to keep our eyes on, but on Christ. Trent Casto goes on to offer these helpful remarks: While there is... Continue Reading
The Glory We Desire vs. the Glory He Means for Us
Partakers of Divine Glory
If we can begin to imagine ourselves enjoying his praise because it’s from him, from his mouth, not mainly because it’s centered on us, then we will begin to ready ourselves for heaven. This is the inheritance of children. Do away with all notions of complexity and the tortuous need to nail it all to the... Continue Reading
Calvin Contra the Making of Images
...of the the Godhead for any purpose, including the "pedagogical"
A true image of God is not to be found in all the world; and hence that His glory is defiled, and His truth corrupted by the lie, whenever He is set before our eyes in a visible form. Now we must remark, that there are two parts in the Commandment — the first forbids... Continue Reading
My Top Ten Books of 2024
If you want to know why the biblical doctrine of humanity is now one of the most critical doctrines under attack in the modern world, you need to take the time to read this book.
Several years ago, Carl Trueman wrote one of the most important books of our generation, ‘The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self’. If you want to understand why the Western world is the way it is today, this is one of the books you have to read (An abridged version was released under the... Continue Reading