Trueman’s Pick for The Book of the Year
Trueman’s pick for the Evangelical book of year: Stephen Wellum’s “God The Son Incarnate: The Doctrine of Christ” say that this is easily the book of the year
If Evangelicalism is to have a future connected to historic Christianity…It will need to break the nexus of non-ecclesiastical and unaccountable platform, power, and money which currently appears to determine the boundaries of orthodoxy; it will need to recognize that errors on the doctrine of God have historically proved just as lethal to orthodoxy as those on scripture … it will need to set its biblical theology in positive relation to systematic theology and the creedal and confessional heritage of the church; and it will need to think long and hard about how orthodoxy is transmitted from generation to generation.
One Thing I Did Right in Ministry: “I Started a Book Table”
I have seen good books supplement the ongoing preaching and teaching ministry of the church
“I often recommend books both publicly and in private conversations. When someone takes my recommendation I try to follow up in a few weeks to ask what they think of the book, what they are learning or if the book has raised any questions for them. That has led to some very fruitful conversations and... Continue Reading
The “Grievous Sin” of Neglecting the Church (Ames)
Do you have a low view of Christ’s church, or are you purposely staying away from her?
For this reason the Westminster Confession notes that outside of the church “there is no ordinary possibility of salvation” (25.2). This doesn’t mean that a Christian who cannot possibly join with the fellowship is lost (for example, there are Christians in some prisons who have no way of being part of the church or fellowship). But it does mean that those who willfully refuse to be part of a church are putting their souls in grave danger. Why? Because neglecting the assembly is a multi-layered sin against God, others, and self.
Saying No to Church = Divorcing Christ from His Bride (Murray)
Since Christ loved his church that much, so should his followers!
“We cannot think of Christ properly apart from the church. All the offices he exercises as head over all things, he exercises on behalf of the church. If we think of the church apart from Christ, or transfer to the church prerogatives that belong only to Christ, then we are guilty of idolatry. But if we think of Christ apart from the church, then we are guilty of a dismemberment that severs what God has joined together. We are divorcing Christ from his only bride."
An Interview With My Wife About Books
Here are a list of some of her favorite books that she’s read as a Christian and then a few that she is planning to read this upcoming year
“I was super excited when I found this in my husband’s stack of books. I like it because I am in a busy season as a mother of six, who homeschools, and have the joy of my sister and her family moving in with us during a tough season for them. The book keeps you... Continue Reading
Thank God For the Christmas Season (Machen)
Machen noted how the Christian church places a great emphasis on Christ’s death – we “chiefly commemorate” the death of Christ because it is God’s wisdom and our salvation.
“Yes, I say, thank God for the Christmas season; thank God for the softening it brings to stony hearts; thank God for the recognition that it brings for the little children whom Jesus took into His arms; thank God even for the strange, sweet sadness that it brings to us together with its joys, as we think of the loved ones who are gone. Yes, it is well that we should celebrate the Christmas season, and may God ever give us a childlike heart that we may celebrate it aright”
Assurance and Introspection (Hodge)
Charles Hodge has a good word on the grounds, or basis, for assurance in volume three of his Systematic Theology
"Many sincere believers are too introspective. They look too exclusively within, so that their hope is graduated (or grows – spl) by the degree of evidence of regeneration which they find in their own experience. This, except in rare cases, can never lead to the assurance of hope. We may examine our hearts with all the microscopic care prescribed by President Edwards in his work on “The Religious Affections,” and never be satisfied that we have eliminated every ground of misgiving and doubt."
The Head of the Household Called to Women’s Work?
Westfall teaches that in Ephesians 5 men are called to model Christ by doing women’s work.
"When the husbands are addressed, the male role is not described in terms of the expected categories of responsibilities in the public domain of warrior, protector, provider, and patron. Instead, the imagery quickly shifts to household scenes of bathing, clothing (spinning and weaving), laundering, feeding, and nurturing, because Jesus is depicted as providing these services for the church, which is both his bride and his body."
Why Christmas Is Even Better than You Think
In his engaging style, Keller interacts with a series of well-known Christmas passages with both clarity and depth; he seeks to be edifying to believers and compelling to unbelievers
“Keller beautifully displays multiple facets of the gospel within the Christmas story. In fact, insofar as it’s the fulfillment of God’s promise to save his people, the Christmas story is the heart of the gospel. Keller’s extended exposition of what it means for Jesus to be Immanuel—God with us—is an enriching section in which the core truths... Continue Reading
From One Reader to Another: Books to End a Year’s Reading, or to Bring in a New Year
Books are almost always read alone, but they are seldom truly enjoyed alone.
Columnist Dave Barry got this one just right: “The problem with winter sports is that — follow me closely here — they generally take place in winter.” On the other hand, winter is a great season for reading. Herewith I offer some books I think are well worth your reading, whether warm or cold.
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