UPDATE Friday 5:00PM: 3 year old son of PCA Teaching Elder nearly drowns at Virginia Beach hotel pool
Jamison Godwin, 3-year-old son of TE Jeff Godwin, pastor of Northside PCA in Melbourne, Fla., almost drowned in a hotel pool in Virginia Beach on Thursday, June 9. Godwin brought his family with him to the PCA General Assembly. Friday 5:00PM update: We are pleased to report that 3-year-old Jamison Godwin was released from the... Continue Reading
At the PCA General Assembly, Paedocommunion returns to the floor for discussion during Review of Presbytery Records report
At the 16th General Assembly a study committee report on the topic of Paedocommunion was approved, deciding that the position of the denomination was and should remain to be that only those of the appropriate age to make a profession of faith were to receive the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper and directed and officers... Continue Reading
At the PCA General Assembly, a proposed RAO change brought the ‘Good Faith Subscription’ issue back into discussion
For many years, the Review of Presbytery Records Committee took so much time to complete their work after gather on the Monday before GA started, they were traditionally the last report of the week, generally on Friday mornings. However, this committee now meets a month prior to Assembly and their report is already complete and... Continue Reading
At the PCA General Assembly; First Debate of Wednesday morning dealt with Insider Movement
It is not often that the first serious debate of a General Assembly occurs during the annual report of the General Assembly, but what looks to most as a meeting without many major issues pending, the folks seem to decide to get to work early. One of the duties of the Stated Clerk is to... Continue Reading
At PCA General Assembly, several Committees of Commissioners actions met the expectations of most observers, with one interesting exception
he Committee of Commissioners (CoC) on Overtures, the largest of all CoC’s, will be presenting recommendations not of approve several overtures that were of high interest this year. The first was an Overture from Southern Florida Presbytery seeking term limits to be imposed for any new elected coordinators for the various PCA agencies who are... Continue Reading
At PCA General Assembly, Mission to the World Committee of Commissioners revises proposed CMTW Report, responds to Overture on ‘Insider Movement’
Several experienced General Assembly observers believe that this report will bring about a significant amount of discussion during the report of the CoC and, in an otherwise quiet Assembly with few ‘hot button issues’, this could prove to be a significant debate. Out of the entire report presented by the Permanent Committee of Mission to... Continue Reading
RE Daniel Carrell Elected Moderator of 39th PCA General Assembly
Mr. Carrell, 70, a practicing attorney, is a ruling elder in the Stony Point Reformed Presbyterian Church in Richmond, Va. At its opening session on Tuesday, June 7, 2011, the 39th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America elected RE Daniel Carrell as Moderator. The PCA General Assembly is holding its annual meeting in... Continue Reading
The Aftermath of the PCA’s 38th General Assembly (II)
My favorite theologian, Dr. Herman Bavinck, taught me that it’s quite easy to criticize, tear down, and critique, but if you’re going to do that, you really need to have a viable, workable alternative to what you’re being so negative about. Items for Approval at the 38th General Assembly The dust is settling over Nashville... Continue Reading
Resolution Against PCA Proposed Involuntary Ecclesiastical Taxation Passed By Our Session
Providence PCA in Fayetteville, North Carolina Response to Pending BCO and RAO Changes that Would Levy Involuntary Taxes on Ministers and Churches Whereas, in prior years Providence PCA has voluntarily supported the work of the Administrative Committee of the PCA by freely giving a portion of our tithes and offerings; and Whereas, the 38th General... Continue Reading
PCA Stated Clerk Releases “Actions of the 38th General Assembly”
The Thirty-eighth General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America met in Nashville, Tennessee June 29-July 2, 2010, at the Nashville Convention Center, hosted by Nashville Presbytery. A total of 1,311 commissioners attended (978 Teaching Elders and 333 Ruling Elders). In addition to acting upon the reports of the ten General-Assembly-level Permanent Committees and Agencies,... Continue Reading