Does the PCA Have a Position on If Adam Had a Belly Button?
The PCA has a measure of diversity and latitude at its discretion over certain elements of the issue of Creation, it is always important to review the limits of that discretion that we might glorify God.
The AIC Report wishes to exclude is any idea that kinds become other kinds. While there is certainly variation that happens within a kind of animal (as birds or dog breeds and other examples of speciation illustrate), the problematic issue is macro-evolution’s teaching that a kind can become another kind. Hence, when we read that... Continue Reading
Actions of the General Assembly on Thursday, June 13
The Assembly voted to accept in omnibus the recommendations from the Overtures Committee on all overtures EXCEPT 1, 3, 7, 13, 14, 17, 26, 28, and 33.
The Assembly voted to answer Overture 33, Erect Ad Interim Committee on the Book Jesus Calling, in the affirmative as amended. The vote was 947-834-20. Rather than establishing a study committee, the amended language is to request reports from the permanent committees of Mission to the World and PCA Discipleship Ministries (CDM). Read the amended language here.... Continue Reading
Report on the 51st General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America: We Still Have Work to Do
Our Triune God will continue to cause us to be united in the truth of His Word.
The 51st General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America was a success. It was a success because we came together as brothers, and even when we disagreed we remembered that we all serve one Master and Lord. There are areas where our church is not on the same page. There are areas where we... Continue Reading
51st General Assembly Reflections
As we conclude the 51st General Assembly, we know there is still yet work to do.
I pray that the PCA would continue to grow, and be fruitful in her ministry. I want to see the PCA live into the fullest expression of historic, reformed presbyterianism. After the past several General Assemblies, my spirit is encouraged. I am thankful and hopeful for the PCA. While one overture I had supported failed(Overture... Continue Reading
PCA General Assembly Recap: Encouraging News and Some Surprises
The Presbyterian Church in America met this week [6/10-14/24] for its annual General Assembly (GA), where the entire denomination gathers to deliberate important, denomination-wide matters.
The overture requiring the titles of elder and deacon to be restricted only to men who serve in that ordained office passed, but even if it had failed it would still remain impermissible to ordain women to the office of deacon, which is what this minister was arguing for. Others arguing against restricting the titles... Continue Reading
Report of the 51st PCA General Assembly: Summary and 10 Key Decisions
The 51st Presbyterian Church in America General Assembly met in Richmond, VA, June 10-14, 2024.
Over 2100 Ruling Elders and Teaching Elders converged on Richmond, VA for the 51st General Assembly this past week! And, just like that it is over. The Assembly opened up on Tuesday, June 11th with the election of Ruling Elder Steve Dowling to be our Moderator for the next year. Steve was the Moderator of... Continue Reading
Report of the 51st Presbyterian Church in America GA (2024)
The General Assembly continues to strengthen the PCA's commitments to be both robustly Reformed and profoundly Presbyterian in its polity, personnel, and procedures.
God has been abundantly kind, patient, and good to the PCA for the last 51 years and especially so recently. Since 2018, the PCA is has strengthened her commitment to marriage and historic, biblical sexuality, she has enhanced her focus on holding one another accountable through the Presbyteries, and is currently seeking to expand her ties... Continue Reading
RE Steve Dowling Elected Moderator of the 51st PCA General Assembly
Steve Dowling, a ruling elder at Covenant PCA in Auburn, Ala., was elected Moderator of the 51st Presbyterian Church in America General Assembly meeting in Richmond, Va.
Dowling has been active in the Southeast Alabama Presbytery. He has served as Presbytery Moderator twice, on several committees and commissions, including judicial commissions, and the Nominating Committee for past 12 years. At the General Assembly level, Dowling has served on the Overtures Committee for 14 years straight, chairing it twice. He has also served... Continue Reading
General Assembly Preview: Polity, Procedure, & Personnel
The PCA's 51st General Assembly in Richmond lacks the social controversies that overshadowed recent assemblies, but this year's GA has the potential to reshape the character of the PCA.
The Assembly will have the opportunity to consider whether to uphold our polity and/or to reform our judicial procedures. Additionally the Assembly will take crucial votes regarding the personnel who comprise our GA Committees and Judicial Commission as well as for the staff who administer the daily operations of the denominational agencies. Thanks to... Continue Reading
Against Overture 15 Before the PCA General Assembly: To Say “Biological Men” is Caving to the Culture
Overture 15 has to do with the madness called transgenderism. The PCA General Assembly should answer this overture in the negative.
It’s been said many times, he who controls the language controls the culture. For believers in Jesus Christ to use the term “biological men” amounts to a surrender to the culture’s mistaken notion that there exists the possibility of a man/male other than one who is identifiable biologically as a man/male. If we know there... Continue Reading
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