Orthodox Presbyterian Church 2014 General Assembly Report 1
The 81st General Assembly of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church is meeting at Kuyper College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, from June 4–10, 2014
Rev. Craig Troxel, pastor of Bethel Presbyterian Church in Wheaton, IL, was elected as moderator of the 81st General Assembly. Rev. Archibald Allison, pastor of Emmaus Presbyterian Church in Ft. Collins, CO, had also been nominated. Mr. Danny Olinger, who had nominated Mr. Troxel, escorted him to the podium and then led the assembly in... Continue Reading
Synod of the United Reformed Churches of North America: Day 2 Report
The United Reformed Churches in North America (URCNA) is meeting in Visalia, California for its ninth meeting of Synod, June 2-6, 2014
The delegates adopted “the submitted Psalm Proposal to be the psalter portion of the new songbook” without dissent. They also took note of the dates of May 1, 2015, for the completion of proposed hymn collection in preparation for the publishing of a new songbook in cooperation with the OPC in 2016. In light of the mutual laboring... Continue Reading
Jennings and Garner First Rejoinders
Nelson Jennings and David Garner present their first respond to each other on the Insider Movements debate
Jennings: I wish we were able to interact with “Insider Movements” and other Christian phenomena in categories in more nuanced ways than by asking the single, seemingly straightforward question – one that for us is intertwined with Greco-Latin-European linguistic-conceptual categories – “Is it faithful to the Bible or not?” Garner: On the basis of careful... Continue Reading
Synod of the United Reformed Churches of North America: Day 1 Report
The United Reformed Churches in North America (URCNA) is meeting in Visalia, California for its ninth meeting of Synod, June 2-6, 2014
The election of officers seated the Rev. Bradd Nymeyer as chairman, Rev. John Bouwers as vice-chairman, Rev. Doug Barnes as first clerk and Rev. Greg Lubbers as second clerk. As Synod began her work, the men representing the churches were reminded of their task to serve with humility the cause of the churches and the... Continue Reading
Update on the Insider Movement
This just in: the Bible answers the question about how converts in hostile countries are to bear witness to Christ: Publicly.
Does the Insider Movement contradict Jesus at this point, if it advises converts to sublimate their public profession or to remain as hidden believers or to hide their light under a bushel? To make things crystal clear, Jesus then gives a summary comparison: “Anyone who loves his father and mother more than me is not... Continue Reading
Standing Judicial Commission: 2014 PCA General Assembly Overtures
There are seven or eight overtures which seek to amend the PCA’s Book of Church Order (BCO) with regard to the oversight and accountability of the decisions made by the SJC
I am personally persuaded that a change in our practice as a denomination is necessary. I am well aware that bringing all the disciplinary cases that rise to the denominational level before the General Assembly could become unwieldy, to say the least. However, according to our own constitution, the General Assembly shall have the power... Continue Reading
Gospel Reformation Network Hosting Seminars at 2014 PCA GA in Houston
The seminars will be centered on a biblically-based, gospel view of sanctification and holiness in the life of believers
The Gospel Reformation Network (GRN) is a collaboration of Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) ministers who are concerned about the balance and accuracy of gospel preaching in our denomination. Specifically, we are working to bolster the biblical and confessional doctrine of sanctification. Our concern is that in the fervor of today’s well-placed emphasis on the... Continue Reading
In Support of the PCA’s 2014 Study Committee Report on Insider Movements
Reasons the 2014 PCA General Assembly should approve the Committee Report on the Inside Movements, and not accept the Minority Report
Unlike the Committee Report, the Minority Report contains no actual evaluation, theological or otherwise, of the various forms of the Insider Movement that are advocated in open missiological literature, taught in some seminaries and practiced in the field. This lack of rigorous, detailed analysis makes it impossible to tell precisely which aspects of Insider Movement... Continue Reading
Jennings and Garner On the PCA’s Response to Insider Movements
Nelson Jennings and David B. Garner debate the theology and missiology of Insider Movements
Ref21 Editors’ Note: The Presbyterian Church in America’s 42nd General Assembly will address the work of the Study Committee on Insider Movements (SCIM). For access to the SCIM reports of 2014, click here. However, given the global relevance of this question, in the next several weeks ahead of the Assembly, Rev. Nelson Jennings and Rev. David... Continue Reading
Male-only Eldership: 2014 PCA General Assembly Overtures
If a candidate for ordination in our denomination believes that Scripture allows for women to be ordained to the office of elder (which is contrary to our church constitution), may he still be ordained as a minister in our denomination?
On the one hand, this overture seems to be asking for the General Assembly to erect a study committee to determine if believing that Scripture allows for women to be ordained to the office of elder is an allowable exception to our constitution for ministers in our denomination. This is actually a very important question... Continue Reading
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