Another Assessment of Missouri Presbytery’s Response on Homosexuality and the Christian Life
‘Please place in the boxes provided’: Missouri Presbytery’s response to Grace and Peace PCA in Anna, Texas (Part 2)
Either we hold that same-sex desire is sinful, no matter how natural it seems to one snared by it, and that what is needed is the mighty deliverance of the Lord; OR we accept same-sex desire as a given, with the Lord not committed to producing change in this life. Either we cave and accept... Continue Reading
The PCA’s Very Slippery Slope
Progressivism, Theological Liberalism, & the Gay Pastor
We all have much to learn in this area. Nor is it to disparage Christians who struggle with homosexual sin. While sin no longer reigns in the hearts of true believers, the remnants of sin still remain in true believers. Rather, it’s to make the point that a corrosive progressivism has clearly infiltrated the PCA.... Continue Reading
An Open Letter to Stated Clerk Pro Tempore Bryan Chapell: Proposal for the 2021 General Assembly
It is imperative that the highest court of the PCA meet in 2021. Planning a scaled-back assembly in a non-urban area may be the best way to proceed.
What is the best way to improve the prospects of our being able to meet? Let me suggest paring back the assembly so that it can meet at a large suburban church campus or at an arena or hall connected with a Christian or private college—probably in the Southeast where restrictions have been less draconian... Continue Reading
Update On the 2021 48th PCA General Assembly From the Administrative Committee
Even if vaccines become widely available soon, major conventions such as ours may not be approved for services by St. Louis convention center/hotel staffs until the fall of 2021.
For this reason, the Administrative Committee is not planning to make a decision about any change in timing of the 48th General Assembly until the end of February 2021. In March, we will be notifying you of a decision, after we have been able to consult leaders across our denomination, as well as medical and... Continue Reading
The Responsibility of Ruling Elders to Attend the Courts of the Church
Encouraging PCA ruling elder to be “more” engaged in Presbytery and General Assembly
To function effectively a Presbyterian church (at local, presbytery, and General Assembly levels) needs not just elders, (presbyters) participating — it needs elders of both types (teaching and ruling, pastors and lay) in numbers sufficient to represent and serve the churches. A Presbyterian church is incomplete with only one type of elder. There ought to... Continue Reading
The PCA At A Crossroads
Will the PCA remain Faithful to the Scriptures, True to the Reformed Faith, and Obedient to the Great Commission? Or will it embrace a progressive and confessionally dismissive agenda?
We are at a crossroads in the PCA. I believe that the next two years will reveal what path the denomination will choose. Will it choose the path of biblical and Reformed confessionalism, the way that strives to fulfill the Great Commission through the means that God Himself promised to bless for the salvation of... Continue Reading
Southeast Alabama – 3rd Presbytery to Request the PCA General Assembly to Assume Original Jurisdiction over Teaching Elder Greg Johnson
Overture 25 from Southeast Alabama the PCA General Assembly “to assume original jurisdiction over Teaching Elder Greg Johnson.”
Southeast Alabama Presbytery (SEAL) approved an overture at its August 11, 2020 Stated Meeting, placing before the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America a request “that the General Assembly assume original jurisdiction in the case of the doctrinal error of Teaching Elder Greg Johnson per BCO 34-1. The overture concludes with this resolution:... Continue Reading
Open Letter from Southeast Alabama Presbytery to Missouri Presbytery Regarding Its Investigation of TE Greg Johnson
Southeast Alabama Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church in America, at its called meeting of August 11, 2020, approved sending an open letter to Missouri Presbytery.
Fathers and brothers of MOP, SEAL does not take any pleasure in disagreeing with our dear brother TE Johnson. Nevertheless, because we believe these two teachings of TE Johnson contradict God’s Word as confessed in the Westminster Standards and are injurious to the peace and purity of the church, we must speak up. Indeed, if... Continue Reading
Missouri Presbytery Report of Its BCO 31-2 Investigation of TE Greg Johnson
The Report was presented to and approved by the Missouri Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church in America at its stated meeting of July 21, 2020.
We the Missouri Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church in America, judge each of these allegations made against TE Greg Johnson to be untrue, namely that some of his actions (i.e., publicly identifying as a same-sex-attracted man on various occasions), views, and teachings on human sexuality are seriously out of accord with our doctrinal standards and... Continue Reading
The Blessing of Godly Forefathers in the Faith
In 1802, the Minutes of the Reformed Presbytery stated: “It was enacted that no slaveholder should be allowed the communion of the Church.”
From an Iowa newspaper in 1868: “The Reformed Presbyterian Church stands boldly against what it believes to be wrong, no matter by whom committed. None of its members ever crushed the spirit and soul of a human being … in slavery, and remained a member in the church. Their ministers preached against slavery and their... Continue Reading
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