A Repeated Assertion: How Common is Change in Same-Sex Attraction (SSA)?
It would seem best to retain some skepticism towards universal claims about fluidity of sexual desire when the evidence to date is equivocal.
Rev. Johnson states “some believers with SSA have even developed the ability to be sexually drawn to a wife, though such attraction is not typically generalized to the opposite sex. My point is and has been that a gay-to-straight conversion has been rare. That is not a theological statement but a historical one.” This is... Continue Reading
A Final Plea to the 48th PCA General Assembly
The GA will face a major issue this year that has already caused many congregations to leave the PCA, and may very well cause a major split in the PCA.
As a denomination, you men of God will face a major issue this year that has already caused many congregations to leave the PCA, and may very well cause a major split in the PCA. Will teaching elders (and ruling elders) who identify as gays (or homosexuals) be allowed to hold office in this branch... Continue Reading
What the PCA Study Committee on Human Sexuality Did Not Study
The Report fails to present any serious theological discussion of sexuality in the light of the biblical doctrine of Creation.
Homosexuality is not only “sinful,” but, as Paul says in Romans 1:26, it is “unnatural.” It is not “unnatural” just because most people don’t understand it or don’t identify as homosexuals. It is unnatural because it is out of order with the physical cosmos as God made it. It is thus both a rejection of... Continue Reading
A Response to Greg Johnson’s Interview: The Gospel and Christian Identity
The frank podcast interview between Drs. Sprinkle and Johnson exposes Johnson’s changed theological paradigm.
Dead in trespasses and sins, the sons of disobedience needed new life—complete with a new heart, a restored will, and a new identity. And that is exactly what we receive in the resurrected Christ. Scripture and Scripture’s Christ do not offer a reparative therapy program; they deliver cosmically-critical, sin-forgiving, freedom-rendering, past-crushing, and utterly-transforming new life... Continue Reading
The PCA Has Fallen into Error, and Can’t Get Back Up: Part 4-General Assembly
I write about the challenges in the PCA to bring the voice of a lay member to debates dominated by elders.
In June last year, PCA agency presidents and permanent committee coordinators published an unsigned letter “in light of the heinous killings of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, and the systemic mistreatment of so many other people of color.” And just in the last couple of weeks much of the talk about the PCA’s 48th... Continue Reading
A First-Time Commissioner on SSA and CRT At the PCA General Assembly
A first-time commissioner looks at Same-Sex Attraction and Critical Race Theory with an eye toward voting on these relevant issues at General Assembly.
Lastly, to those thinking this response lacks compassion toward the sexually broken and frustrates our ability to counsel those struggling with SSA, I would suggest that clarity is more compassionate than confusion. Equivocating on homosexual sin hinders our witness. SSA is a heinous sin (Colossians 3:5). It is unacceptable to adopt a gay Christian identity... Continue Reading
A PCA Worth Having is a PCA Worth Fighting For
If you hear of wars and rumors of wars in the PCA, do not be alarmed. Important things are at stake; things worth holding; things about which men ought to fight.
They would say it is because Scripture and the Westminster Standards support the idea that SSA is not a disqualification for a minister because SSA is not necessarily sinful, or at least that it is no more heinous than other sins. This is a theological difference. Unless the supporters of Revoice theology prove to have... Continue Reading
What Happened at the RPCNA Synod 2021?
The Reformed Presbyterian Church Synod (RPCNA) met on the campus of Indiana Wesleyan University in Marion, Ind., June14-17, 2021.
Many happy things were announced and decided upon as well. Professor Keith Evans’s position as biblical counseling professor at RPTS was renewed for seven more years. Students in various presbyteries were examined and made eligible to receive calls to Gospel ministry, including Mark Brown and Jerry Foltz. Denominational finances are very good and giving was... Continue Reading
A Response to the PCA “Moderators’ Letter”: May We Ask a Question?
A response to “A Firm Commitment,” a letter signed by some former PCA General Assembly moderators, claiming all is well in the PCA, except for some unduly sounding an alarm.
The challenges of homosexuality and Critical Race Theory pressing into our denomination are not matters of mere style, and mischaracterizing these concerns will not make them go away. Progressive PCA leaders may multiply letters and signatures denouncing the motives and attitude of concerned confessionalists, but Revoice and Critical Race Theory require an answer to the... Continue Reading
Report from the 190th (2021) Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America
The Reformed Presbyterian Church Synod (RPCNA) met on the campus of Indiana Wesleyan University in Marion, Ind., June14-17, 2021.
The Synod turned its attention to Communication 21-15, which requested that Synod clarify its position on the question of Creation. Recommendation 1: “This court hereby declares that belief in the literal parentage of Adam and Eve as our first parents is an essential point of the Christian system of doctrine.” A new recommendation 2 stated,... Continue Reading
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