PCA Stated Clerk Issues Statement “Perspective on Human Sexuality and Ordination”
Public Statement from the Stated Clerk Dr. L. Roy Taylor dated July 6, 2012
The Westminster Confession of Faith 24-1, The Larger Catechism 137-139, and The Shorter Catechism 70-72 explain our Church’s understanding regarding marriage, particularly in reference to the Seventh Commandment, “You shall not commit adultery.” For additional information follow this link: http://pcaac.org/WCF.htm.
What Jerry Sandusky’s Fall Teaches Us About the Christian Basis For Morality
Christianity thrived in the most pagan cultures, and will continue to thrive the darker it gets today
"If Sandusky would have lived 2000 years ago, he would not have been found guilty of anything. He would not even have been noticed. His actions would have been entirely unremarkable. There would have been no disgust, no anger. The verdict would have been innocent, and in fact, the notion that he was guilty of anything would have been unintelligible" --Catholic World Report
At the Episcopal Church Conference: Bishops go Transgender
Only two orthodox bishops expressed any disapproval.
Bishop Mark Lawrence of South Carolina spoke against the resolution arguing that marriage (between a man and a woman) is the only given in creation. [Transgenderism] is an idol that will break us. The whole range of transgenderism goes contrary to the gay and lesbian debate. We are abandoning all forms of givenness."
When You Come to a False Choice in the Road – Don’t Take It
Revealing Three Rhetorical Tricks and One Rhetorical Trap of Eric Metaxas
H.L. Mencken once famously said of Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, “It is genuinely stupendous. But let us not forget that it is poetry, not logic; beauty, not sense.” What Mencken rightly noticed was the ability of words to persuade us to a certain position without actually demonstrating how that position is the logical conclusion of the facts at hand.
Of Palaces, Priests, and Clerical Collars
The clerical collar and related paraphernalia has become a badge of liberalism
Of course, that’s only a personal view. Maybe I have no real style to speak of. For all the pomp, ceremony and lavishness of my night out at the Palace, there is still nothing to beat eating potatoes and salt mackerel with bare fingers and downed with a long glass of cold milk. There... Continue Reading
The Evolution of the Debate: Divided on Origins
CT Cover Story: We haven't always been this way.
In 1961, Henry Morris and John Whitcomb Jr. published The Genesis Flood, which argued for a literal reading not only of the Flood account but also of Genesis 1 and 2, reinvigorating the creationist movement. That movement has since split into six-day creationists and old-earth creationists, as well as other finely tuned variations
Bob Jones University Alumni, Students Form Advocacy Group, March in NYC Pride Parade
More than 50 lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and straight affirming alumni, spouses, significant others and friends gathered for the New York march.
Following the march, BJUnity members want to pursue open dialogue with school administrators in an effort to help them come into compliance with accepted standards on LGBT issues in the school’s current quest for regional accreditation. Also, they will continue their challenges for the Republican Party to distance themselves from this network. As a sign of... Continue Reading
Entitled Christian Syndrome
To call God “great” is more than appropriate, but calling God “greater” invites a competitive and confrontational tone
Any time a society attempted to place Christ in the center, they subtly turned the idea of Christ into an idol. Think of the “holy Roman Empire” and all of the resulting nations. A Christ who favors any nation besides the distinct Kingdom of God is not the Jesus of the New Testament. There’s a... Continue Reading
At the PCUSA GA: Current definition of marriage upheld, proposed new ‘Authoritative Interpretation’ defeated
Amendment to call for a two-year study passed 489 to 152
A small group of weary but grateful evangelical commissioners gathered together following the plenary session, which ended at 1:30 a.m. Saturday morning. They all gave glory to God for the miracle they had witnessed, offered prayers of thanks, and concluded their time together by singing the doxology.
Southern Baptists Continue Membership Decline
You can be sure that leadership will work strenuously to reverse trends, and one may hope with them that they will recover, but …
Link almost all of these with their more conservative acronymic partners, that is, RCA/CRC, ELCA/LCMS, PCUSA/PCA and so on, and you will find the word "decline" easily.