The Key Element of Successful Fishing (for Fish or Men): Optimism
The truth is that I have never met a pessimistic fisherman
But, as J.I. Packer points out…the truth actually lies in the opposite direction. Rather than being a hindrance to evangelism, God’s sovereignty is the grounds for believing that our evangelism has any chance of success at all.
A Salve, Not a Lever – An Analysis of the recent PCUSA General Assembly
Will the PCUSA’s narrow rejection of same-sex marriage persuade conservative congregations to stay?
“I must affirm definition of marriage as between one man and one woman,” said Jodi Craiglow, of the Miami Valley Presbytery in Ohio. She directly addressed gay PCUSA members, saying, “As much as my heart breaks for your pain and frustration, I must simply hold to the standard of the God I love.”
What Ails the Episcopalians – An analysis of the recent General Convention
Its numbers and coffers shrinking, the church votes for pet funerals but offers little to the traditional faithful.
General Convention is also notable for its sheer ostentation and carnival atmosphere. For seven straight nights, lavish cocktail parties spilled into pricey steakhouses, where bishops could use their diocesan funds to order bottles of the finest wines.
Emergent Tony Jones Addresses United Methodists gathering, suggests a ‘coup d’état’
“Why Is the United Methodist Church So Screwed Up?”
Evangelicals were entrepreneurial and started new churches, while Mainline Protestantism “doesn’t value entrepreneurship.” The “negative side” is that the evangelical world is “almost all male” dominated with “loud white guys like me,”
The clash that wasn’t – religious peace in Indonesia
World’s Largest Muslim State Fails to Persecute Christians
The country’s most visible Christian entrepreneur is Stephen Tong, founder of the Indonesian Reformed Evangelical Church, which despite its name has much in common with the Pentecostal worship style. In 2008, the church opened its Messiah Cathedral in Jakarta, a classic megachurch seating 6,000, a grandiose structure that would not look out of place in Seoul or Singapore.
The Magic of the Higgs Boson Particle
The Higgs field works its black magic through—what else?—a particle.
Following Whiteson’s lead, Cham’s comic is replete with oversizd magicians’ hats. Instead of producing bunny rabbits out of thin air though, they emit particles—different particles than those first inserted… And, of course, the most obvious resort to supernatural language is the notorious label with which physicist Leon Lederman baptized the Higgs boson particle: “the God... Continue Reading
U.S. Military Holds First Gay Pride Event
DOD general counsel delivered a keynote address titled “The Value of Open Service and Diversity.”
“I know some officers who’ve been ordered by their commanders not to speak to the press, whereas those who have been supportive of the policy are brought out before the press. We have a double standard.” -- R. Crews
Man, What A Mess!
America has its racial history and pain, and so does Kenya
Let me try this illustration. You are trying to impress someone, maybe a girl you want to date. However, your mother insists you take your ugly and socially inept cousin along with you…You know that if you don't cut the cords from this cousin you ain't going to get the girl. Of course, if and when you do get the girl your cousin is still your cousin. You can't hide him forever.
‘The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert’: Honest, Glorious, Wise, and a Gut-Punch
From life as a lesbian, radical-feminist English professor to a stay-at-home-Psalm-singing-homeschooling-foster-mom-pastor’s wife.
The portion where Dr. Butterfield is the most critical (and appropriately so) is where she helps us see where our spiritual formation is too often superficial and how the church frequently allows us to frolic in our biblical immaturity.
Let’s Not Cut Christ to Pieces
Struggling with homosexuality is a paradox, but embracing homosexuality is a contradiction.
We dare not try to cut Christ in pieces, as if we could receive him deliverer from sin's guilt but not from its dominion, or as Savior but not as Lord. Nor can we cut ourselves in pieces, severing our body from our soul—as if we could give our heart to Jesus and keep the title deed to our body. It's precisely because our bodies are too important to the biblical drama that they cannot be exempted from biblical discipleship.