Who’s Afraid of the Means of Grace?
No Fear! 2kers are confident (though doubts afflict us all) that God’s word will abide.
The 2kers I know are not afraid of engaging the culture. We do so daily in the variety of callings God has granted. The fears that lurk around 2k are those of its critics who seem to be afraid that the kingdom will not come without the culture wars or the redemption of “all things.”... Continue Reading
Freedom of Worship is NOT the same thing as Freedom of Religion
Freedom of religion means the right to live according to one’s own faith…in practice, both “in public or private,” without interference from the state.
If the freedom of worship assault against freedom of religion succeeds, creed-motivated philanthropic and service organizations such as the Salvation Army, Catholic Charities, and religiously sponsored schools, hospitals, nursing homes, pregnancy counseling centers, etc., will be forced to choose between acting contrary to their faith and closing their doors.
It’s a Topsy-Turvy World in PCUSAville
Most well-meaning liberals believe with all their hearts that they are indeed pursuing the gospel. It’s just that they have redefined the gospel.
The Book of Confessions, though the primary part of our Constitution (as recognized by our Book of Order, which is the secondary part of our Constitution) no longer stands over the Book of Order, but rather holds the position of a quaint museum piece of what our forebearers once believed.
Pope: Church must preach what God says not what people want to hear
…the Ontario Bishops regularly consulted a diverse advisory group of lay people for advice on how to confront the issue.
Are Christians lacking a well-worded way to present Christ’s teachings on homosexuality to our modern culture? We’ve been in this battle for four decades. It’s time to get our talking points in order and face this issue, that clearly cannot be avoided, head on. Perhaps just speaking the truth in charity and leaving the outcome to the Holy Spirit is all that is necessary.
PCA Member of Harbor Church, Chula Vista (CA) selected for Olympics
But Jacob Wukie tells the world his identity is in Jesus, not in archery
But on that last shot, I shot a 10 to my opponent’s 9, winning the match and getting bonus points for the score. This moved me into 4th place, and I became the alternate for the U.S. Olympic Team. Now I would have loved to have been able to compete in Beijing, but I knew I was right where God wanted me, and, as a result, I was very content.
Disclose or Be Exposed
Confession is more important than consequences
People who disclose sin, especially when they probably would not be caught, are inspiring because the Spirit is obvious in them. They are motivated by the Lord more than the praise and opinions of people, and that is a sight to behold. But we have to do more than admire the work of Christ in them—they will need help.
No Country for Old Men?
When does one cross the line in a mixed denomination from being a faithful fighter to an enabler of apostasy?
To put the matter in blunt, judicial terms: you can tell a church's real confessional standards, theological and moral, by looking at the minutes of disciplinary proceedings and seeing what the church disciplines people for teaching or doing. When a church's procedures are uncoupled from orthodoxy, the game is more or less over
How the Gospel Changes our Apologetics, Part 1
There will be no joy in the Grace of Jesus unless the person sees they’re lost
We need to be careful of saying “Just believe,” because what we’re really saying is, “Believe because I say so.” That sounds like a Nietzschean power play. That’s very different from Paul, who reasoned, argued, and proved in the book of Acts, and from Peter, who called us to give the reason for our hope in 2 Peter 3:15
A. A. Hodge Was No Friend of 2 Kingdom theology
Not bad for a series of lectures during a women's class at Princeton
In the name of your own interests I plead with you; in the name of your treasure-houses and barns, of your rich farms and cities, of your accumulations in the past and your hopes in the future,—I charge you, you never will be secure if you do not faithfully maintain all the crown-rights of Jesus the King of men
South Carolina Episcopal bishop blasts national church
Letter to congregations outlines leader’s opposition to national church’s stance on gender issues
He said he plans to meet Monday with his Council of Advice and on Tuesday with the Diocesan Standing Committee. Beginning July 1, Lawrence said he would open meetings with deans and clergy. “Given these changes in the doctrine, discipline and worship of the Episcopal Church, the question that is before us is: “What does being faithful to Jesus Christ look like for this diocese at this time?”