An Interview with R.C. Sproul (Part 1)
An interview on timely topics
The biggest challenge in the church today is it’s fidelity to the person and work of Christ. There are many issues: the authority of the Scriptures, the truth of the Gospel. But at the core of it is our commitment to the full humanity and deity of Christ, and all that He accomplished in His ministry.... Continue Reading
When Sorrows are Deep and Long
Grace tells us that God can be trusted, even when all earthly hopes are dashed
It is one of the most evident (and sweetest) marks of saving faith, that the Lord enables us to acquiesce humbly and not grudgingly in the face of dark and sore providences. During Samuel Rutherford’s time in London, where he was a delegate from the Church of Scotland at the Westminster Assembly, two children from... Continue Reading
Why Is Love So Stupid?
During my first premarital counseling I awoke to the stupidity of love
What should we do when a loved one is overwhelmed by that chemical-combustion-mistaken-as-love? Here is one answer: I don’t know. I have yet to find anything that neutralizes it. Tackle the victims, tie them down, bring in a hundred witnesses to scream at and berate them, send them to boarding school—these are all fine ideas.... Continue Reading
When to Leave Your Denomination?
Should you leave your church if it’s forsaking biblical orthodoxy?
A shell congregation of the Falls Church that disagreed with the over 90 percent vote to leave the Episcopal Church has continued to meet and now possesses the large property. Reportedly fewer than 100 attend its services in a facility that once accommodated thousands. One of its recent preachers was a radical former missionary forced... Continue Reading
A Mainline Collapse: The Twilight of Liberal Christianity?
Is stewardship of the earth and having children incompatible?
This transformation in the Episcopal Church was done to make the church “relevant and vital.” Instead, people stopped going because, as Douthat points out, there was nothing these churches offered that they “[couldn’t] already get from a purely secular liberalism.” In 2006, the Episcopal Church’s presiding bishop, Katherine Jefferts Schori, told the New York Times... Continue Reading
Huckabee launches ‘Chick-fil-A Day’ for Aug. 1
A Stand for traditional marriage leads to a boycott and support
The goal is simple: Let’s affirm a business that operates on Christian principles and whose executives are willing to take a stand for the Godly values we espouse by simply showing up and eating at Chick-Fil-A on Wednesday, August 1. Former presidential candidate and Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee says he is “incensed” at the way... Continue Reading
Colorado Springs Graphic Artist Creates Tribute to Shooting Victims
A loving tribute to senseless deaths
“Not everybody understands why you would go to a movie at midnight but this is a community of fans,” said Rantal. “You’re sharing the evening with 500 fans. The event up at Aurora had just such a community. We didn’t know their names but they were part of our crew, part of our community. That’s why... Continue Reading
Congratulations to our 1,000th Facebook Friend
And to the Facebook Friend who shared our site with him
One of the side effects of this contest was to learn some details about who is reading The Aquila Report. Quite honestly, we were pleasantly surprised. Neither one is a Minister. Neither one is a Presbyterian.
An alternative to ‘in thesi’ declarations
Better, I continue to think, an amended confession than an impotent declaration.
The Reformed Presbyterian Church in North America, through her Testimony, has in effect long been amending the Westminster Standards, so I don't think my proposal as controversial as some might conclude.
Churches, Pacifism, and Gun Control
Pacifism is increasingly popular among many evangelical elites, especially in academia.
All government is premised on force. Every government everywhere, at all times, if it has any power, will dispatch armed individuals to apprehend any persons who violate its laws and, ultimately, detain them in places surrounded by armed individuals empowered by lethal force.