Mississippi Predominantly White Baptist Church Closes Door to Black Couple’s Wedding
Some members complained about a black couple getting married in a predominantly white church
Charles Wilson said it was a huge disappointment that he and his wife couldn’t get married at the church they attended because of the color of their skin. A Jackson couple had their wedding rehearsal last week, two days before their scheduled big day at the Crystal Springs church where they were planning to get... Continue Reading
True Faith Looks Away from Self
True faith does not look into self, it looks out and away to the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the focus of faith
True faith is “essentially extraspective” which highlights its primary movement. It does not look into self, it is not principally “introspective,” it looks out and away to the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the focus of faith. Who he is and what he has done is where faith casts its anchor for the soul. “Faith”... Continue Reading
Ending Postmodern Sexual Compromise of the Gospel
Are Evangelical pastors and churches capitulating to the homosexual agenda?
Evangelical pastors and churches from almost all theological and denominational camps are capitulating like dominoes to the homosexual agenda and other sexual compromise – some more publicly than others. Earlier this month, homosexual activists complained to the Advertising Standards Authority against a billboard by ‘Light of the nations church,’ Pretoria which said that Jesus could... Continue Reading
The Lies and Spin of Virginia Bishop Shannon S. Johnston
A challenge to a bishop’s take on the recent Episcopal General Convention’s adoption of a blessing ceremony for same sex unions
I supported the Convention’s resolution not because of the movement of secular culture but out of personal and theological conviction. Moreover, after over 30 years of the Church’s study and dialogues, I believe that it is time to be publically clear about the full acceptance of committed same-sex relationships in the life and witness of... Continue Reading
Batman 3: Going there
The Dark Knight Rises powerfully portrays the logical results of relativism and socialism
In an interview with a film blog two weeks before The Dark Knight Rises released on July 20, screenwriter Jonathan Nolan commented, "What I always felt like we needed to do in a third film was, for lack of a better term, go there."
When Breast Cancer Leaves You Grasping for Words
As a religion professor, I can talk about the big questions of life. Until now.
How, then, do you have cancer? And how do you talk about it?
Dangerous Meditations
What harm is there in achieving a higher state of consciousness through meditation?
No amount of chanting, breathing, visualizing, or physical contortions will melt away the sin that separates us from the Lord of the cosmos—however "peaceful" these practices may feel. Moreover, Paul warns that "Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light" (2 Cor. 11:14). "Pleasant" experiences may be portals to peril. Even yoga teachers warn that yoga may open one up to spiritual and physical maladies.
Only traditionalist Archbishop of Canterbury can save Anglican church
Unless someone committed to traditional values is chosen as the new Archbishop of Canterbury
“At a time when the Christian faith faces challenges from other religions as well as secular worldviews, the new Archbishop of Canterbury must be committed to uphold the orthodoxy of the Christian ‘faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints’” --from a letter by 17 bishops.
Dr. Harold Lamont Richardson, pastor in both the ARP and PCA, died on July 21
Received two degrees at Reformed Theological Seminary: MDiv in 1974, DMin in 1986
Rev. Dr. Harold L. Richardson passed away on July 21, 2012, at his home after a long battle with Multiple Sclerosis. Visitation was held on Sunday, July 22, at 2 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church (PCA) of Winona, MS followed by a funeral service at 4 p.m. The current pastor, PCA Teaching Elder Grover Gunn officiated at the service, which included eulogies by Jerry Ellis and Kay Weaver.
Jonathan Merritt Shares his Story
LGBT blogosphere has exploded in attempt to 'out him'
It's from my brokenness, that I feel I can now be transparent, honest, and authentic about these accusations. Those close to me know I have actually been planning to share the story of my brokenness for some time. Because it is part of my spiritual journey. And because it underscores the power of the Gospel to transform lives.