What is the Gospel?
"Good Question (and chances are you are wrong)"
According to the Gospels, the gospel is not about the afterlife, but what “kingdom” you belong to here and now. Jesus talks a lot about the “kingdom of heaven” (or “of God”), and this is commonly misunderstood as a kingdom “up there” somewhere. But read what Jesus says about the kingdom. It is about the rule of God on earth, with Jesus as king.
D. C Chief of Police: ‘He Did his job’
Security guard Leo Johnson stops shooter at Family Research Council headquarters
According to Jackie Bensen of NBC4 in Washington, authorities discovered two loaded 15-round magazines and Chick-fil-A promotional materials in the suspect's backpack. FRC President Tony Perkins has been an outspoken supporter of Chick-fil-A, which has been embroiled in a recent controversy with homosexual activists after Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy publicly affirmed traditional marriage. Chick-fil-A has also financially supported FRC.
Is Sandusky Really Such a Bad Guy After All?
In an age of sexual freedom: What is the real source of such fury? Why is everyone so shocked and so angry?
In a society that celebrates sexual freedom and personal rights to sexual expression, why the collective outrage over Sandusky’s acts? Does not today’s ethic insist Sandusky has a right to his own sexual fulfillment, however he chooses to attain it? Does he not have the right to engage in sex where he wants, with whom... Continue Reading
How I Resolved the Sabbath Issue
The fourth commandment is part of the Law of God, was regulative under both Old and New Covenants, but how is it to be practiced?
The fourth commandment is part of God’s moral law binding all generations. I try to avoid unnecessary work on the Sabbath. I try to avoid shopping at Wal-mart on the Sabbath. I try to avoid eating out on Sunday. I try to go to both morning and evening worship services on Sunday. However, I do... Continue Reading
America’s First Atheist
Joel Barlow is significant as possibly America's first atheist.
James Turner, in his book Without God, Without Creed: The Origins of Unbelief in America, suggests Barlow is a plausible candidate for America’s first atheist. There may, of course, have been an underground of unbelief in America in the late 1700s, but the evidence we have of the era’s skepticism indicates it was directed towards... Continue Reading
Keeping the Faith on Campus: Students at Secular Schools Face More Than Academic Challenges
New students facing challenges and temptations as they enter college.
Robinson felt like he was floating in a pool of secularism. After struggling to resist the culture around him, he finally had what he described as a “religious breakdown.” “I called home and told my mom I thought I was losing Jesus,” he said. (WNS) — Shaquille Robinson grew up in a strong Christian... Continue Reading
Presidents, But Not Pastors
Christian colleges choosing academic administrators, not pastors, as presidents.
Many evangelical colleges started out as Bible colleges, with pastors at the helm, their leadership later changed over to academic administrators. Evangelical colleges that continue to choose pastors as leaders…don’t face the demographic pressures that forced Catholic colleges to move away from priests and nuns as presidents as the ranks of vowed religious dwindled. ... Continue Reading
“Tri-Perspectivalism”: An Introduction to John Frames Reformed Epistemology (Part I)
Tri-Perspectivalism was coined by theologian and professor of the theology John Frame as part of his multivolume effort to expound the doctrine of God.
Tri-Perspectivalism is a distinctly Christian theory of knowledge. Frame introduces his thought to the world in his book The Doctrine of the Knowledge of God. Thus by saying it is distinctly Christian, unlike most philosophical schools of epistemology that lean heaviest into human experience and reasoning, Frame’s thought is an epistemology of revelation. This means... Continue Reading
Security Guard Shot at Pro-Life Group’s DC Headquarters
Two people were reportedly shot this morning (August 15) at the headquarters of the pro-life group Family Research Council.
Family Research Council President Tony Perkins confirmed the security officer was shot and said in a statement, “The police are investigating this incident. Our first concern is with our colleague who was shot today. Our concern is for him and his family.” Two people, including a security guard, were reportedly shot this morning... Continue Reading
Is It OK for a Christian to vote for Mitt Romney?
Why [are] people who have been theocratic Reconstructionists for longer than some of these guys have been alive…willing to support him now?
Yet, who cares? Let’s stay home and let the country burn to the ground. Let’s stay home and not vote, trusting like fools that King Jesus will actually honor our manipulations and do a miracle for us. No guys. I don’t think Jesus likes being manipulated.