Atheists’ cross to bear
They "feel officially excluded from the ranks of citizens who were directly injured by the 9/11 attack"
The Christian faith is an undeniable part of America’s foundation. It undergirds Western civilization itself. The Muslims who rained fiery destruction down on America did so in the name of their god and against our faith and way of life.
What to do with “the call”?
Only God knows as we can make our plans, but he directs our steps (Prov 16:9).
I know that I am called to pastoral ministry in the ARP. Sure, I could fit in the OPC or the PCA, but I specifically believe I am called to the ARP. I love the ARP. I spent my seminary time in the ARP, going to presbytery and Synod, learning the ethos and meeting fellow seminarians and pastors in the denomination
Mississippi ranks 2nd in U.S. in benevolent giving, behind only Utah
Generosity linked to religious beliefs, according to study
Wolfe said people in less religious states "view the tax money they're paying not as something that's forced upon them, but as a recognition that they belong with everyone else, that they're citizens in the common good. ... I think people here believe that when they pay their taxes, they're being altruistic."
Mars Hill Bible Church names new pastor, replacing Rob Bell
Home Town Grand Rapids boy, Kent Dobson, to be introduced on September 9th
Dobson resigned from a teaching position at NorthPointe Christian School in 2008 amid fallout from a Discovery Channel program in which he appeared. The program questioned Jesus’ birthplace and whether there are truths in the Gnostic gospels
PCUSA Pittsburgh Presbytery to vote on exit plan for congregations
All parties agree not to go to civil court and "no acts or impressions of 'intimidation' will be tolerated."
The proposal says the financial settlement must enable the congregation "to carry on its desired mission post-dismissal with its property intact." The settlement can't make the presbytery responsible for any debt. A majority of the congregation must approve the settlement, as must a majority of the presbytery.
New Mexico Photographer Found Guilty of Discrimination: Are Churches Next?
Churches must be aware of the conflict between religious freedom and the homosexual legal agenda.
The Huguenins are Christians who believe that God designed marriage as one man and one woman, and that defining marriage is the best way for societies to help children and adults. They could not in good conscience allow their company’s photography services to be used to promote the message of the ceremony – that it... Continue Reading
Earthly Concerns
The Catholic Church is as big as any company in America. Bankruptcy cases have shed some light on its finances and their mismanagement.
The sexual-abuse scandals of the past 20 years have brought shame to the church around the world. In America they have also brought financial strains. By studying court documents in bankruptcy cases, examining public records, requesting documents from local, state and federal governments, as well as talking to priests and bishops confidentially, The Economist has... Continue Reading
Reclaiming the Main Thing
Recommendations from a commissioner to the 220th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA)
Imagine Christ stepping onto the floor of the assembly. Would we yield him 90 seconds at the microphone (the normal time allotted to commissioners on the assembly floor)? That was all it took at key moments in his ministry for him to spell out his first priorities for the church: the Great Commandment and the... Continue Reading
Progress in Haiti
There is progress in Haiti, but you have to look in the right places.
I’m determined to show bits of progress. You have to look closely but signs of progress are there… New churches are being planted. A school has been founded in the village of Dociné where 225 kids attend. This fall they will have 270! And all the teachers have proper teacher certificates. It’s not slip shod:... Continue Reading
Conflict Management: Don’t Throw People Under the Bus
We tend to throw people under the bus when a bus is headed for us.
To throw someone under the bus” is defined as meaning “to sacrifice; to treat as a scapegoat; to betray,” but . . . the key to the phrase really lies in the element of utter betrayal, the sudden, brutal sacrifice of a stalwart and loyal teammate for a temporary and often minor advantage.” ... Continue Reading