Fourteen Accusations Against Christianity Answered
4. Christianity is the only religion where another person (oops sorry. GOD) takes the blame for everyone else’s sins.
No other religion can satisfy God’s wrath. This is why the gospel is the love of God before mankind. He shows us that we are helpless, and then His Son voluntarily comes to earth to do what we cannot do. No other religion can come close to dealing with our sins, or reflecting God’s rich love toward His people
Who Is An “Evangelical Theologian?”
The problem, of course, is that “evangelical” has so many meanings
After all, there is no evangelical membership committee who decides who is and who is not truly evangelical. And who wants there to be? The only people I know who want there to be such want it to be they!
Parenting for Recovering Pharisees
I know how the self-righteous heart can look down on those who don't follow the rules.
I don't want my children to grow up with the heart of a Pharisee. I do want them to know the holiness of God. I want them to know all that he expects, what he commands, and what glorifies him. I also want them to realize that they can't perfectly obey him, and they need a Savior.
Do People Still Read Tim Keller?
Paul did not peg the value of the kingdom of grace according to the gospel’s reception among city dwellers
Who can stand in that great day? What congregation of any means is capable of maintaining members who not only have the financial resources to pay for the church staff all of these ministries require? But after these folks have worked hard for their incomes and given to the church, do they have time to volunteer for all the additional work that this movement requires?
National Religious Broadcasters to Propose Solution to New Media Censorship
NRB cites Apple's iTunes App Store, Google and Facebook for 'contributing to the suppression of free speech
Two years ago, NRB launched the John Milton Project to address the threat of viewpoint censorship and to present potential solutions. On September 12, 2012, NRB will unveil its Free Speech Charter for the Internet, a unique, first-of-its-kind proposal to the free speech/free enterprise dilemma.
Amidst the Culture War, David Barton Merits a Court-Martial: a Dispatch from an Ex-Wallbuilder
I had been deluded by historical exaggerations about a “Christian nation” and a “Biblically-based” Founding. The truth was much messier
Unfortunately, the agenda comes at the expense of individual souls. Students—especially the scholastically adept—are hurt very badly by the misinterpretations, misportrayals, mistruths. I barely survived coming across the knowledge, and there are many who do not. David Barton isn’t helping by circulating lies. Those of Christian-cultural influence must realize that we their children are not just bullets in the culture war.
Stupak Admits Obama Violated His Executive Order on Obamacare, Abortion
Former Congressman Stupak admitted that he may have been hoodwinked by President Obama over Obamacare
Stupak was the holdout preventing the passage of the bill pro-life groups strenuously opposed because of its abortion-funding provisions. He negotiated what pro-life groups called a phony executive order from Obama that merely restated the bill’s provisions rather than prohibited abortion funding under it. Former Congressman Bart Stupak admitted during a panel discussion... Continue Reading
A Tale of Two Kingdoms
With Abraham, we are “looking forward to the city that has foundations, whose architect and builder is God”
There is no better time to refresh our memories about the “two kingdoms” doctrine than at election time in the United States, when American Protestantism often seems divided more by its political allegiances than its faith and practice.
Is Bigger Really Better? The Statistics actually Say “No”!
Smaller churches are necessary, needed, and often more fruitful than we have been led to believe.
There are millions of people in smaller congregations across the country who live with a feeling that they are failures because their church isn’t as big as the megaplex congregation down the street. This is sad and should not be the case.
Holding the Church Hostage
"The leaders of the church feel this is what is best for the mission of this church and cannot allow the church to be held hostage by threatening words or acts.”
Jesus encouraged us to “shake the dust from your sandals” and move on if folks were not receptive to the Gospel. I believe the same guiding lesson should be taken to heart when the work of the church is threatened by hostage-takers. And not once did Jesus ever let those who were either followers or potential followers hold his work hostage. He let them walk away