Can You Risk Honesty in Church?
It seems me the church should be a place and a body where doubters and sinners are welcome
A rebellious Christian may come home at last and say to his heavenly Father, “Father I have sinned against heaven and in thy sight,” and be welcomed with embrace and kisses, clothes, shoes, and a ring, and, and have a party thrown by a Father who had compassion before the son ever got close enough to say a word. But what could what would happen to him at church? I wonder if it might take awhile to earn the robe, shoes, ring, and party
Meditation: Ten Motives and a Ten Step Method
Meditation on the Bible’s practical exhortations and commands reminds us of our Christian duties. What we think about is what we eventually do
Recently I had the privilege of addressing the Ministry Wives Institute at Puritan reformed Seminary on the Motives and Method of meditation. Here’s the outline:
You Don’t Have To Sin (Even When It Feels Like You Will Explode If You Don’t)
To count ourselves dead to sin means we don’t have to obey its desires.
Remember – our feelings aren’t necessarily the truth. We don’t have to obey them. Jesus has broken the enslaving power of our old sin nature. And the Holy Spirit empowers us to obey God’s commands.
Strange Things Afoot in Christian Media – Part 1
The Christian Post has done more harm to itself through its response to the article than the article could have done by itself.
This is not about David Jang and the specific accusations made against him. I have no information beyond what Christianity Today and The Christian Post has already published. This is about encouraging a venture in Christian journalism to be more Christian and more journalistic
A more religious world
“Europe no longer dominates global Christianity the way it did 100 years ago,”
Younger Muslims are less committed to their faith than those older than 35, but only slightly. In Egypt, for example, 74 percent of younger Muslims say that religion is very important in their lives, compared with 76 percent of their elders. And Muslim women in most regions appear more committed to religion than men, more likely to pray and more likely to read or listen to the Koran daily.
Report of PCA Northwest Georgia Presbytery meeting
Adopts Statement on the Historicity of Adam; Approve BCO proposal contra Intinction
Affirms and preaches that the Scriptures teach that Adam and Eve are as historical individuals as any of us, were immediately created by God through his direct and miraculous intervention, that God formed Adam, the first man, from the dust of the ground, and made Eve directly from Adam without the need of lengthy time nor a naturalistic process to create Adam and Eve in original righteousness and holiness
When God Pulls the Rug Out
“Why, O Lord?” is a recurring question in Scripture
Some problems are universal, but this one is for those who are spiritually mature. It happens to people who are earnestly seeking God, and only the mature do such things. And though anger toward God might flash occasionally, it isn’t the real issue. The real problem is that you feel you no longer know him
Family Religion
The Bible is the story of a faithful, covenant-keeping God who uses faithfulness within families.
I recently was privileged to speak at an ancient country church. It was a rural church, the kind with a fine graveyard, an old bell in the steeple, a formal “ladies parlor,” and a nice family in the fellowship hall making pecan pie for those gathered at midweek Bible study.
Even as PCUSA declines, EPC seeks to grow a new presbytery
“As a result there will be 1,000 EPC churches in the U.S. and throughout the world,”
Although congregations give a variety of reasons for leaving, most say the root of dissension rests with what they call an erosion of Scriptural authority following several controversial shifts within the PCUSA.
Does Jubilee Involve Redistribution of Wealth?
Jubilee keeps land and wealth in exactly the same place they started.
There was no redistribution of permanently owned houses in the cities. There was no redistribution of wealth gained through leasing land. The profit from bountiful harvests remained in the hands of the leaser. Only land in the country was returned to its original owners