What’s His Is Ours
Christ's righteousness belongs to those who receive by faith God's promise of forgiveness.
The implications of justification by faith are vast. In the early church, it broke down the barrier between Jews and Gentiles, making unity between disparate ethnic groups possible. It challenged the medieval church for selling what God gives away abundantly and for free. It pops the bubble of well-behaved Christians who think their sanctified lives set them apart from the wretched and dissolute
Searching for Marriage “Rules”?
How can anyone obey all of these “rules” with no guarantee of success?
What I have learned is that there are really only four “rules” to a successful marriage and they all have to do with my perspective: Be his helper; Submit to his leadership; Always display respect; Pray for him daily
Pia Desideria
Some thoughts on Richard Doster’s “Politics: Why Christians Must Be Involved.”
Does that mean that Christianity has the wonder-working powers that Doster claims? And what about the times after the good times? What about America after Witherspoon, England after Wilberforce, Scotland after Chalmers, the Netherlands after Kuyper (not to mention Ephesus after Paul)?
Evangelicals and Mormons together
"I am not the Catholic candidate for president. I am the Democratic Party's candidate for president, who happens also to be a Catholic." --John F. Kennedy
There are still evangelicals who, for theological reasons, would never vote for a Mormon. As an electoral issue, the question is whether there are enough evangelicals of that sort to make a difference in the handful of swing states that will decide the election in November.
What are some helpful goals for a pastor to set in regard to his vacation time?
Pastors should have goals and vacation is no different. Do not be rigid about them.
Out of all that needs to be rested, for me it is usually my mind. Long car rides, enjoyable conversations with my wife, casual visiting with family, and playing with my kids seemed to accomplish this goal pretty well.
Baylor Philosophy Professor Wins Prestigious C.S. Lewis Book Prize
Natural Signs and the Knowledge of God: A New Look at Theistic Arguments
Evans said he wrote his book partly in response to the New Atheists, who hold that belief in God has no rational basis. Some contemporary cognitive psychologists think that religious faith is discredited because humans are biologically and psychologically "hard-wired" to believe in a higher power.
Why Gay Marriage Is More Than a Legal Issue
The marriage debate shouldn't drive us to outrage or panic.
To sum up what we at Christianity Today have said before: We believe gays and lesbians should not be denied fundamental rights granted to every other American, nor should they suffer slurs or intimidation in any shape or form (and neither should those who oppose gay marriage).
SBC President Luter outlines goals during seminary visit
"There's no way we can reach this iPad, iPhone, and iPod generation with eight-track ministry,"
"What did it take to change you?" he asked the audience. "You had someone share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with you…and you accepted it and were saved! Your life was transformed by the power of the Gospel. And if God can change you, and you, and me, then why can't God change them?"
Kingdom through Covenant: A Review
Gentry and Wellum have made a substantial case for an independent middle path between dispensational and covenant theology
Gentry and Wellum seem to agree that the "geneological principle operative in the Abrahamic covenant" is indicated by the phrase, "you and your seed" from Genesis 17:7. I agree, but if that's true, then what do we say of Peter's repetition of this formula in Acts 2:30, specifically in connection with baptism?...The cumulative case seems to place the burden of proof on the Baptist position
Incentives to Decline
Why Some Churches Really Don't Want to Grow
No church members want to see their local congregation die. It would seem that their motivation to keep the church alive would be strong enough to overcome any obstacle, yet each year more churches close their doors while lamenting their fate. It is as if there are counterforces at work against the very changes that would bring new life.