The Far Less Sensational Truth about Jesus’ ‘Wife’
Was Jesus ever married? The New Testament says no
Jesus was married. None. There is nothing about Jesus being married in the canonical gospels, in apocryphal gospels, in the church fathers, or anywhere else. Even if this new gospel claims that Jesus was married, it is out of step with all the other credible historical evidence we have about his life. Since... Continue Reading
The Rt. Rev. Rants Again (Surprise!)
More rants from a (self?) righteous minister
I tend to favor the interests of the nation we know today as Israel. But I do so for reasons having nothing to do with the idea that the modern state of Israel is the successor of the ancient covenant nation. The Man and the Money. In my opinion (which I am sure is... Continue Reading
The Subtle Art of Sabotaging a Pastor
The Evil One uses church members as unwitting pawns to attack pastors
Editor’s Note: Following in the footsteps of The Screwtape Letters, by C.S. Lewis, Jared Wilson writes from the perspective of a senior demon to his apprentice on how to oppose and confound Christians. This imaginative piece offers powerful insight into the subtle ways leaders might be led astray. Dearest Grubnat, my puppet, my pigsnie, The reports... Continue Reading
A Year of Consequences for Military Chaplains
Since the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” chaplains have come under fire while some lawmakers are ready to move on
The Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty (CARL), which represents more than 2,000 chaplains serving the armed forces, said it is cataloging examples of negative consequences that have resulted from the repeal of the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. One year after the military began allowing gay, lesbian, and bisexual service members to... Continue Reading
Six Steps to Help Pastors Be Effective Leaders
People need a leader, a "first among equals" who will help them to do their best work for the church
My experience tells me that staff teams – in churches, denominations and nonprofits – really do want leaders. They expect the leader to identify a direction, set the pace and provide the resources and encouragement needed to move forward. If the leader fails to do these things, then the situation can become very chaotic. ... Continue Reading
Religion and the Election of 2012
The role that religious issues play in presidential contests, including the election of 2012
Most evangelicals view Mormonism as an alternative religion rather than a Christian denomination. They have more in common theologically with Obama, who claims to accept many of the doctrines they affirm. Moreover, much more frequently than Romney, Obama has used biblical teaching to support his policies, especially in aiding the poor. However, many evangelicals are... Continue Reading
‘Blatant discrimination’ for Toronto Churches Renting School Space for Worship
Toronto’s public school board slams huge rent hikes on churches mostly unprepared for battle in the public square
The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) in late August informed churches renting public school space that, beginning Sept. 1, faith-based organizations no longer qualified for reduced rates available to other charitable non-religious organizations, such as the Girl Guides. With only a couple of days’ notice these churches saw their rent doubled, quadrupled, or worse, with... Continue Reading
Thoughts Concerning the Influence of the Anglican Tradition on Contemporary Reformed Liturgical Practice
Is there an influence of the Anglican Tradition on contemporary Reformed practice?
Many new church plants in the PCA have adopted a worship “style” that incorporates many of the elements from the Anglican Tradition in their liturgy. Even though they may still sing “praise choruses,” hymns and Psalms seem to be making a “come back,” even if they are set to modern sounding tunes performed on instruments... Continue Reading
Exclusive Brethren GP Banned for Prescribing Gay ‘Cure’
Doctor prescribed chemical castration to a young man who sought a ''cure'' for homosexuality
In a letter of complaint to the Health Care Complaints Commission, the patient said when, at the age of 18 he came out as gay, a church leader told him, ”there’s medication you can go on”. ”He recommended that I speak to Dr Craddock on the matter with a view to my being placed on... Continue Reading
Personal Reflections and Valuable Insights from ‘The Forgotten Spurgeon’ by Iain H. Murray
Remembering some forgotten events from the ministry of Charles Spurgeon
Industrialized South London was no place where Calvinism should flourish, humanly speaking. Despite all of the human factors, Spurgeon’s ministry, particularly known for its bold exposition of the doctrines of grace from Scripture, flourished among factory workers, housekeepers, and chimney sweeps. What a testimony this is to God’s grace! Of all the great preachers and... Continue Reading