Hearing reveals impact of clergy abuse
Southern Baptist evangelist sentenced to 10 years for video voyeurism
A graduate of Williams Baptist College and Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary, Sam Nuckolls served on staff at several churches before entering fulltime itinerant ministry. LifeWay hired Nuckolls as a summer staffer to serve in the role of camp pastor for Centrifuge camps in 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006. In 2007 his role changed to a contract position, where he served several weeks during the summer preaching at general assemblies and large gatherings. He served in that capacity through the summer of 2011.
PCA’s Blue Ridge Presbytery Approves BCO 58-5 Amendment
The vote to not allow communion by 'intinction' was 26-24-1
"This amendment clarifies what the BCO and our Standards already assume is the Biblical practice, and there is no good argument not to ask our churches to conform to this simple instruction in order to obey the plain Scriptural accounts and to help preserve our liturgical unity together as a denomination. Therefore, we should approve this amendment to our Constitution."
His Truth is Marching On
Rousas John Rushdoony and the rise of Christian conservatives.
A final piece of Rushdoony’s emerging belief system fell into place when he discovered the ideas of Cornelius Van Til (1895–1987). A Calvinist theologian who rejected the modernism that brought Darwin and Enlightenment ideas into the Protestant mainstream, Van Til insisted that man cannot think independently of God, and to try to do so is evil.
‘Staying in His Lane’
Joel Osteen’s Gospel of Affirmation Without Salvation
The two self-help experts then elaborated on their ideas, with Osteen urging “activating faith,” because “faith is what causes God to work.” Later, he even spoke of “speaking to the seeds of greatness that God’s placed in all of us.”
Chick-fil-A finally responds
Company's statement counters Chicago alderman's claims, but only partially
While some conservative organizations have raised alarm about (Alderman) Moreno's claims, others aren't panicked. Janice Crouse, director and senior fellow at Concerned Women for America's Beverly LaHaye Institute told WORLD in an email that her organization received verbal affirmation from brothers Dan and Donald "Bubba" Cathy that "the reports from Chicago are untrue."
Something Greater than Our Selves
The thing is that we were not designed to be alone. We are pack animals.
Sometimes the Church can be so concerned with personal holiness that it breeds an oppressed community of terrified, isolated individuals who are made to feel like spiritual failures for saying, ‘I can’t do it on my own.’ Why wouldn’t people hide from that?
Should Christians Adopt Embryos?
These aren’t “unused embryos” as though they were things or tools.
Embryo adoption would be problematic if the adoptions themselves became a further commodity in the buying and selling transactions of the reproductive technology business or if these adoptions were a widespread incentive for couples to justify the decision to “create” and freeze additional embryos
Adopting a Kid, Not a Cause
What ever happened to adopting simply out of the desire to have children?
So I propose that wanting children, or wanting more children, is a legitimate reason to adopt. Christian couples might be God’s gift to orphans, sure, but these children are also certainly God’s gift to us. Let us give thanks
Who is a “real Christian?”
Just being a member of a Christian church doesn’t make you a true Christian. It makes you at best a nominal Christian
“True Christianity” is a centered set and not a bounded set. Neither I nor any other mere human has the authority to decide who is and who is not a true Christian—other than as a matter of personal opinion. There are times, however, when churches (denominations) find it necessary to decide who is not a true Christian
Exploiting the Prophet
That said, for a self-described “religion of peace,” Islam does claim a lot of lives.
Are extremists hijacking the Arab Spring? They’re trying to, but this is just the opening chapter in a long drama. Some Eastern European countries, like Romania and Hungary, are still wobbly more than two decades after their democratic revolutions. Maybe the closest parallel to the Arab Spring is the 1998 revolution in Indonesia, where it took years for Islamic extremism to subside.