A Perfect Sunday
A day to catch up on knowing Jesus more intimately is the ultimate rest for world-weary body and soul.
We play balloon volleyball, for one thing. Mom, Dad, and kids smash power serves across the living room. If the balloon hits the ground, that team must answer a Bible trivia question. Sundays are a wonderful opportunity for families. I delight in the freedom of time to talk with my children about their Sunday school lessons, to build missionary houses with Legos, to sit together on the couch and read aloud the children’s version of Pilgrim’s Progress.
Children Decide the Important Things
Would an adult entrust to a ten-year-old child her choice of what medical doctor to visit?
So many children are taught that excitement and boredom form the poles of the economy of how life is evaluated. Rather than teach children about the truths of the gospel, the condemnation of the law, the promises of the gospel, and blessings we receive through Christ and the Spirit, all too many children look to evaluate life the same way they would a theme park.
St Louis Cardinal Manager Mike Matheny’s radical plan for youth baseball
The 'Matheny Manifesto' could be the catalyst to "reinvent youth baseball."
The role faith plays with the Warriors is clear from their name. It has Christian roots. Their logo is a shield with a cross on it. The team does not choose players based on religion and welcomes a multi-denominational roster. But Warriors coaches must make a spiritual commitment, officials said. "It would be dishonest to say that's not where this whole idea comes from," says Casey Cramer, a former NFL player and student at nearby Covenant Seminary.
Ten Myths About Premarital Sex
The empirical data suggests that these are not true most of the time.
Between 50 and 70 percent of couples cohabit today. But only about 1 in 5 such relationships result in marriage. And the results are consistently pessimistic for those cohabiters who do marry
Psychiatric Medication and the Image of God
Psychiatric medication does not address the main dilemma in human trouble: sin
Since medication falls under dominion as an attempt to address the effects of the Fall, psychiatric drug use should seek to restore regular brain functioning. In cases of injury and underdevelopment, this could mean compensation for what is damaged or absent. In cases of uncontrollable excesses or deficiencies of neurotransmitters or hormones, it could mean stabilizing the brain's regulatory functions
Could this be the church to calm our secularist outrage?
Evangelical worship gets many on the left hostile or awkward. So how do we respond to believers that save the destitute?
Drawing on the Book of Joshua, the presiding pastor, a former Bristol GP named Nic Harding, advises his audience to fix their sights on metaphorical mountains, parts of society where their beliefs might be brought to bear. The examples he offers might chill any non-believer to the bone: "Education, healthcare, politics, government – these are all areas where God says, 'Who will claim that mountain?'"
What’s so uncool about cool churches?
Unintended Consequences: How the “relevant” church and segregating youth is killing Christianity.
What might we do instead? The opposite of giving people what they want is to give them what they need. The beauty is that Christianity already knows how to do this. Once upon a time our faith thrived in a non-Christian empire. It took less than 300 years for 11 scared dudes to take over the most powerful empire the world had ever seen. How did they do it? Where we have opted for a relevant, homogenously grouped, segregated, attractional professionalized model; the early church did it with a multi-ethnic, multi-social class, seeker INsensitive church
The Two Kingdoms Doctrine: What’s The Fuss All About? Part One
AKA Two Kingdom Theology 101
(In) several books, including The Lost Soul of American Protestantism, A Secular Faith, and From Billy Graham to Sarah Palin, (Darryl) Hart has skillfully demonstrated the pietist post-millennial origins of both American evangelicalism and the social gospel, arguing that these groups have far more in common than most scholars would like to admit
Is Tim Tebow a Chauvinist?
Tim Tebow says he wants a wife with “a servant’s heart.” Does that make him a misogynist?
Husbands serve wives. Wives serve husbands. Children serve parents. Parents serve children. Pastors serve churches. Churches serve pastors. That concept might be demeaning in the world of Vogue, but it’s not in a new creation where “the leader is the one who serves” (Lk. 22:26). Tim Tebow says he wants a wife with “a... Continue Reading
Reflections on our recently departed brother-in-the-Lord Bill Gresham
PCA Teaching Elder William B. Gresham, Jr. died on September 14, 2002
In those early days of RUF in the state of Alabama there was one who did not fit anyone’s image of a campus minister. Bill Gresham. Bill was equipped to be a campus minister – teaching, pastoring, preaching, faithful, caring. But he did not fit anyone’s image of a campus minister. Many times as he... Continue Reading