What’s in a name?
How the consistory (or session) can alienate a church.
During Calvin’s time in Geneva probably the single greatest area of controversy between the consistory and the people of Geneva revolved around a seemingly very trivial issue: names. It was required that all infants must be baptized with Biblical names.
The Salvation of Infants: An Additional Line of Evidence
How is it that there are people from EVERY people group around God’s throne if some people groups never had access to the gospel?
We can, however, be sure of this: God is both just and merciful and always does what is right, no matter what–even when we have a hard time explaining it. This is true in the case of the salvation of infants, no matter who turns out to be right in the end.
The Politically Incorrect Billionaire
The lady knows where prosperity comes from and isn’t afraid to say so
Ms. Rinehart wasn’t putting down people who work hard and haven’t struck it rich. What she protests is people resenting honestly gained wealth as if some sort of crime against one’s fellow man had been committed. The lady knows where prosperity comes from and isn’t afraid to say so, even though demagogic politicians denounce her... Continue Reading
Poll: PCUSA Members Increasingly Favoring Same-Sex Marriage
With the opinion shifting in the PCUSA, the next effort to change the marriage definition might well succeed
The number of PC(USA) members and pastors supporting the denomination redefining marriage grew. In 2005, 23 percent of PC(USA) members supported same-sex marriage; in 2012, the number had increased to 34 percent. Among pastors, support for same-sex marriage in 2005 was at 35 percent; in 2012, it is at 49 percent. According to... Continue Reading
Cup of Gold for the See of Canterbury
The method of appointing the Archbishop of Canterbury has been quirky and erratic
The uncertainty over the next Archbishop of Canterbury that we have seen in recent days, came about thanks to a deadlock in the Crown Nominations Commission, a new system of appointment. No longer is it the gift of the monarch, or even the prime minister. The commission has 16 voting members. The Archbishop... Continue Reading
Right Outrage or Self-righteous Rage
There’s a fine line between moral outrage and plain old self-righteous rage
Outrage can be good. It is a natural response to bad things. But it can only be good if it is imbued with grace, patience, and perspective. Without these things our right outrage becomes nothing but self-righteousness expressed loudly. Take a gander at the current political arena, or media coverage of any crime... Continue Reading
Jihad If You Do, Holy War If You Don’t
So what makes Muslims different aside from a different sacred text?
If Christians are going to portray the struggle between Islam and the West as a clash of civilizations, and then take shots at the West for abandoning Christianity, they will need to give a fuller account of the differences between Islam and Christianity on secular politics.
Where is Puritan, Middle-Class America When We Need It?
Quick Thoughts on the 175th Anniversary of What's Still the Best Book on Who We Americans Are
So from an aristocratic view: Being middle-class is both good news and bad news. The good news: Everyone is free in a way that only aristocrats once were. Nobody can tell you how to live or what to do. The bad news: Everyone has to work. There's no leisure class that feeds off the work of others. You are, of course, technically free not work, if you're willing to embrace the freedom not to eat.
DC Church Planting Sees Boom
All of these churches have been planted in the past 10 years, and most have been planted in the past five
These churches come from a diverse number of denominational backgrounds and church planting models. Some came about by a “mother church” model, others have satellite campuses, and others were started from scratch. Most of these churches use non-traditional spaces: theaters, recreation centers, and libraries.
Pakistani Church and School Burned
Some say the action was in retaliation for anti-Muslim film
The Diocese of Peshawar, where the attack took place, provides education and health services to the local community – Muslim and Christian alike – and provided substantial support to victims of floods and a major earthquake in recent years, regardless of their religious affiliation