Let Pastors be Pastors
Pastoral ministry as God describes it may not seem particularly relevant or cutting edge
There are men entering the pastorate because they have great gifts for making things happen and great passion for changing their communities, but they should not be pastors because they cannot teach and have little patience for loving an actual congregation. I’m not at all convinced that our pastors are prepared to preach good sermons and shepherd a congregation.
Can I be a Christian and a Divorce Lawyer?
'Just' divorce laws seek to minimize harm to the innocent.
I would look at precisely what kind of divorce lawyer this Christian is. If he is an “ABC easy divorce for $125″ advertisement sort of lawyer, who is seeking to entice people into divorcing for his financial gain, then, yes, that’s unjust and outside of what it means to follow Christ. But I wouldn’t assume that’s the case.
Sovereign Grace Ministries Releases Updated Statement
Re: A Civil Lawsuit Filed Against Sovereign Grace Ministries Oct. 17 in Maryland’s Montgomery County Circuit Court
Statement by Tommy Hill, Sovereign Grace Ministries Director of Administration Though not yet served, Sovereign Grace Ministries (SGM) leadership has obtained a copy of the civil lawsuit filed last week against SGM and several pastors of its associational churches.
Inaugural B. B. Warfield Lectures scheduled for Columbia, SC
Co-Sponsored by First Presbyterian Church and Erskine Theological Seminary (Columbia Campus)
Dr. Sinclair Ferguson, Senior Minister at First Presbyterian Church of Columbia issued the following letter of invitation to the lectures that will be held on November 2nd and 3rd on the church campus.
Is There a Christian Position on Election 2012? (Part 2): Evangelicals and the Politics of Identity
Is there a Christian position on the 2012 election?
What are the implications of all this for the 2012 election? These complexities suggest that it is impractical to apply confessional criteria to political candidates. As is often pointed out, we are electing a President, not a national pastor. Ultimately, the decision for whom to vote should be made on other grounds, and the “Christian... Continue Reading
Your Guide to Christian Voting Guides
Which flyer should you take with you into the voting booth?
With days left before Election Day, it is time to figure out how you will vote. Voter guides are one way that political groups can help you with this decision. Some are very informative. Most are not. All of them are biased, some more so than others. Here is a run-down of voter guides aimed... Continue Reading
Study: When Americans Think Abortion Should Be Legal
American attitudes about abortion are rarely as simple as “pro-life” or “pro-choice”
In direct contrast to common assumptions, not all evangelicals and political conservatives believe abortion should be outlawed in every situation, and many political liberals do not want abortion to be available on demand. A new study from Grey Matter Research shows just how complex the abortion issue really is in a nation where the labels... Continue Reading
“More Light, Lord!”
Would it bother you to be without your Bible? Could you preach without it? Live without it? Worship without it?
Underestimated light. Nothing compares to the Word of God for true illumination. The faint gleams of natural revelation and human reason are light, to be sure, but they are distant candles to the present white light of God’s holy Word. And yet how ready we are to wander around in the gloom, imagining that we... Continue Reading
What the Church Might Learn From Ford
Is re-branding needed for the cause of the gospel?
That living on the edge of the culture, on the edge of the mainstream life of the more socially and religiously acceptable churches, places pressure on the Reformed to try to re-brand, or re-image ourselves, as the consultants say, so as to give potential consumers the idea that we’re what they want. I... Continue Reading
The Diverging Views of Halloween
There are Christians who believe that Halloween is demonic and pagan and Christians who look at Halloween as mostly harmless
What matters for us is how our culture celebrates Halloween today. Though how we account for the traditional beliefs and practices associated with Halloween has a great bearing on our view of the Holiday, the question we must ask is not “What was Halloween” but “What is Halloween.” And not just what is Halloween, but... Continue Reading