Changing standards?
In our anything goes culture, what are the rules for public officials?
If the secretary of agriculture, say, is engaged in an adulterous relationship, would that be a lesser offense than adultery by the CIA director, or the secretary of defense? Should one stay in office and the others resign? What would Carrie Bradshaw advise?
A Spirit of Hopefulness on Long Island
Update on OPC Hurricane Sandy Disaster Relief
As of now, well over 1000 homes on Long Island alone have been determined to be uninhabitable. On the southern part of Staten Island hundreds of people are homeless. Hoboken, NJ – a densely populated city which is just across the Hudson River from Greenwich Village in Manhattan – was devastated. Over 1000 people there (most of whom lived in basement apartments that were flooded by Hurricane Sandy) are homeless. The gruesome search for bodies in homes that were near the affected water areas continues – as of now nearly 50 people in New York alone died as a result of the storms
Derek Halvorson- A President For The Next Generation
I am deeply committed to Covenant maintaining its Christian commitment
“I had an opportunity to come back to Covenant in 2003 to work in the advancement office, which was a little bit confusing for me because I really wanted to be a history professor. I felt I would be a better educated professor if I understood what happened on the external side of college,” Derek insists.
30th anniversary of the birth of Founders Ministries
The theological foundation of the conference will be the doctrines of grace and specifically related truths
Having said that, however, from the vantage point of three decades later, I must quickly add that, as is true of inerrancy, Calvinism, at least as understood as delineated by the so-called "five points,' is not enough, either. What we continue to need is a full-orbed return to the centrality of Jesus Christ in the church. We must be careful not to assume the gospel but rather be intentional and careful in proclaiming and defending it.
Immigration: A Brief Analysis
Wise church leaders ought to be cautious and modest in addressing this difficult and sensitive issue
Immigration is a complex subject. There are no biblical passages laying out the details of a just immigration policy for the United States today. A modern nation like ours is not analogous to ancient Israel, nor are biblical figures easily comparable to contemporary illegal immigrants.
Cy Young winner R.A. Dickey’s double story
In his autobiography he’s explicit about how God saved and changed his life
I then asked him if the subject came up in a National Public Radio interview I had heard. Dickey responded, “I brought it up. They edited it out. I always look for opportunities to talk about my faith in a way that is congruent with the story or the question that they ask, because it is important to me that people know. Most of the time it will be edited out.”
Bethel AME Church in San Francisco rejects new pastor from L.A.
The oldest black pulpit in San Francisco rejects the Rev. John J. Hunter, the L.A. pastor assigned to lead its flock, in a move unheard of in the AME denomination
When Hunter, cloaked in his white pastor robe and carrying his Bible, showed up at the church Nov. 4 ready to preach, church officials said, they confronted him in the foyer and demanded that he produce the signed declaration from Bishop T. Larry Kirkland stating his new assignment. Hunter did not have a copy of... Continue Reading
Judge: Parents have no right to know what homosexual activist taught their children in school
“These violations will continue to happen in our schools unless parents band together and demand transparency and accountability.”
(The speaker) allegedly sought to discredit Catholic teaching on homosexuality by suggesting that since the eating of fish on Fridays was no longer adhered to, neither should biblical teachings on homosexuality.
Americans ready to risk lives to save souls in Monterrey, Mexico
Evangelical Presbyterians, many of them older men, don't let drug war violence scare them away from checking up on the churches they support financially
Tim Holliday helps run a border ministry for Mission to the World, the international outreach arm of the conservative Presbyterian Church in America and a key partner with Garza's Center for Church Planting. When he talks to churches, he tells them that daily life isn't as bad as they've heard on the news.
The Resilient Christian: Explaining Kim Smith
Kim Smith, 39, went home to glory on November 8, 2012
But Kim cannot be fully, and certainly not fundamentally, understood unless you take into account her faith and the resilience her faith produced. That word – “resilience” – has come to me, as it has to others, time and again from the time Kim was first diagnosed with cancer until her departure from this world... Continue Reading