How Did This Happen? The Family Crisis as a Theological Crisis
The family is the most basic unit of society, and if it is not honored and protected, a society cannot long survive.
But, long before the society at large will care about our perspective on the family crisis, the church must humbly and faithfully show the world what God intended from the beginning, for his glory and for our good.
An Odd and Encouraging weekend
Including a Meeting of the International Presbyterian Church European Presbytery, founded by Francis Schaeffer
Saturday morning it was back to presbytery for a paper on 'Is it ever legitimate to rebaptise?'. Simon Arscott from Trinity York did an excellent job and is going to write up his paper. I was amazed to find out that the PCA is ok with the rebaptism of Roman Catholics.
A Holy Disturbance
"We must be surprised, ambushed, and carried off by God if we are to be kept from idols." --R. Williams
Deep down I want to be a stand-alone store that is never threatened by extinction – It must be part of living in rebellion of my unfinished nature. Even deeper, it is a refusal to acknowledge and let go of my idols. But in this resolve, subtly and unwittingly I become incrementally distanced from Jesus, and my fresh faith is transformed into spiritual inertia.
Bill O’Reilly’s Humpty Dumpty Trick
"But Christianity is not an organized religion, a church that can be imposed... Christianity is a philosophy"
I realize that tuning in Fox's popular Bill O'Reilly for instruction about religion is like watching the "Star Wars" movies to learn about science. But last week, O'Reilly took a position unusually unmoored from what anybody else understands as reality. O'Reilly asserted, with an apparently straight face and for two consecutive days, that Christianity is not a religion.
When It Costs To Be Complementarian
Cru (Campus Crusade) relieves University of Louisville team leader of his duties
A Cru spokesman told WORLD that this incident amounted to a disagreement over policy not over theology. That is nonsense. Cru’s policy represents an egalitarian view of ministry roles, and that stance is irreducibly theological. Daniel was demoted because of theological conviction, not because of an arcane dispute about Cru’s bureaucracy.
Waiting in the Ordinary
While our vocations my seem ordinary, God’s work in them is most certainly not.
While we wait, God has put most of us in the ordinary. When I think of the many vocations I have as a wife, a mother, daughter, sister, friend, citizen, church member, Bible study teacher, and writer, my neighborhood looks pretty big, actually. My ordinary can be quite overwhelming. But as I work in my vocations, I am also reminded by the advent season that more than anything I am a receiver
West Point chapel hosts first same-sex marriage
Academy graduate and partner exchange vows in ceremony conducted by a senior Army chaplain
In September 2011, the Pentagon issued guidance stating that "determinations regarding the use of DOD real property and facilities for private functions, including religious and other ceremonies, should be made on a sexual-orientation neutral basis, provided such use is not prohibited by applicable state and local laws."
Another Pittsburgh Area PCUSA congregation bolts for the EPC
Bakerstown Presbyterians vote to join conservatives
Rev. Muttart said some in the Presbyterian Church (USA) use "the feeling of Christ, untethered, un-double-checked by scripture ... to get across their political agenda, to get across what they think life should be like, or what culture tells us life should be like." "They are gaining in influence," he said. "What they would have us do is not tether ourselves to the written and revealed word of God."
After D’Souza’s Departure, The King’s College Seeks Doctrine Over Politics
And TKC isn't the only Christian school moving away from political conservatism.
"We have to be reminded that our calling is to serve the kingdom of God and the church through Christian higher education, first and foremost. When the focus is only in the cultural sphere, we run the risk of missing our calling." --D.
Ken Ham of Creation Museum Slams Pat Robertson for Dismissing Young Earth Theory
"Bishop Ussher, God bless him, wasn't inspired by the Lord when he said it all took 6,000 years. It just didn't."
A debate on creationism and evolution was stirred up earlier this year after scientist Bill Nye released a video titled "Creationism Is Not Appropriate For Children", where he argued that it is dangerous to believe the earth is only 6,000 or 10,000 years old.