Top Fifty Stories of 2012 on The Aquila Report, Part 3
Numbers 21 through 30
Again this year we are featuring a summary of the top 50 stories. We are breaking the list into 5 parts, 10 a day; starting from the bottom and going up with 30 through 21 Number 30 At the PCA General Assembly: Overtures Committee report A surprise (to many) vote on the subject... Continue Reading
How Religion Is Making a Comeback on College Campuses
A dramatic shift in the global landscape has made religion a pressing issue on college campuses again
Religion, for college students, is not necessarily the old-fashioned ‘organized’ religion handed down to them, but rather something that many of them would call spirituality rather than religion. Douglas and Rhonda Hustedt Jacobsen, authors of No Longer Invisible: Religion in University Education, on how higher education found faith. During the last four years, we crisscrossed... Continue Reading
Sight, Place, and the Presence of God
Mining worship principles from the Old Testament for New Testament practices
One of the principles I learn from the Old Testament is this: the whole person is to be engaged in the experience of worship. Certainly, the minds, hearts, and souls of the worshipers are to be engaged, but when we come to worship on Sunday morning, we do not come as disembodied minds, hearts, or... Continue Reading
An Interview with Dr. Richard Gaffin on the Ridderbos Legacy
Logos interviews Dr. Gaffin about Herman Ridderbos’s influence in Biblical Studies
Logos: Herman Ridderbos has influenced a range of theologians, from Joel Beeke to N. T. Wright. What have the writings of Ridderbos done for you personally? Dr. Gaffin: He is among those from whom I’ve learned who have most deepened my understanding of Scripture, and so my knowledge of God and my submission to the... Continue Reading
Churches’ Hostility to Gay Marriage Only Underlines Their Impotence
It may be low politics or high principle but the Government is right to push for this
It is clear from polling that an older generation, brought up to believe that homosexuality was a crime, has struggled to come to terms with changing mores while younger generations drive society forward in a more liberal direction. In Britain, surveys have found hugely divergent views between pensioners and those under 50. Like millions... Continue Reading
Candidate Suspended Who OKd Mandatory Abortion of Disabled Children
British candidate for elected office calls for the mandatory abortion of disabled children
Geoffrey Clark set off a firestorm of criticism when he recommended that the National Health Service, the British government-run health care system, mandate that mothers of unborn children diagnosed with disabilities have abortions. He said such abortions would be a big help in reducing the nation’s debt, by supposedly cutting the medical and other costs... Continue Reading
Top Fifty Stories of 2012 on The Aquila Report, Part 2
Numbers 31 through 40
Again this year we are featuring a summary of the top 50 stories. We are breaking the list into 5 parts, 10 a day; starting from the bottom and going up with 40 through 31 Number 40 PCA Gospel Reformation Network Meeting Focuses on the Gospel for Life and Ministry Written by Staff |... Continue Reading
The Modern-Day Hymn Writer
Keith Getty strives to bring the richness and depth of traditional hymn writing into the 21st century
Keith Getty and his wife, Kristyn, along with their band just completed their 18-city “Joy: An Irish Christmas” tour. Earlier this month they played in Asheville, N.C., where WORLD News Group calls home. An appreciative audience of more than 1,000 people showed up for the concert, and beforehand I sat down with Keith to talk... Continue Reading
Killing Sprees—Is There a Common Theological Thread?
They believed that by killing themselves they would not have to answer for their crimes.
But that fact goes to my point that one’s beliefs about ultimate truth really do guide one’s behavior. And there seems to be a common theological thread among killing spree killers. They’re not worried about God, judgment, or a place called hell. On Christmas Eve William Spengler set fire to his house. When firemen... Continue Reading
Hope in Death
To hear Mr Cherry pray was to be carried quickly and surely into the presence of a familiar yet hallowed God.
My two abiding memories of him are of his sitting on the front row of a local ministers’ fraternal, so ensuring that he would not miss a word, with those clear eyes fixed on the preacher from underneath a quite phenomenal pair of eyebrows, and of his magazine renewals at the Banner of Truth Conference... Continue Reading