Piper Denounces Prosperity Preachers, Playful Worship in Last Sermon
John Piper condemns prosperity preachers for enticing worshippers into a faith that's not real Christianity
…knowing Christ and having eternal life with Christ “is better than all the worldly wealth and prosperity and health that there is.” We commend our life in ministry by afflictions, … calamities … It means that Christ is real to us, more precious than sleep, health, money, life … Wouldn’t you want a Christ that... Continue Reading
Redeemer PCA in San Antonio Buys Former YMCA Building
Redeemer PCA is committed to being a part of the revitalization of San Antonio’s downtown area
The purchase runs counter to conventional practice in San Antonio of churches moving out of urban neighborhoods inside Loop 410 to the city’s more affluent suburbs on the far North Side. For Redeemer Presbyterian, the location is ideal for the congregation to be “in the city, for the city,” said senior pastor and founder Tom... Continue Reading
Fellowship in the Woodlands
None of our problems would be as bad if the church was still shaping the culture instead of merely responding to it
The culture teaches moral relativism. The church needs to correct it….In our holiest moments, we recognize that sound theology must defer to the secular doctrine of feminism. Some doctrines are holier than others. And relativism is culturally relevant even when it isn’t logically consistent. Most of America’s problems are cultural. Even our economic... Continue Reading
Obama Calls NDAA Conscience Clause for Military Chaplains ‘Unnecessary and Ill-Advised’
Obama calls conscience clause for military chaplains in a new law “unnecessary and ill-advised.”
The provision….was a response to Obama’s 2011 repeal of the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. Religious liberty advocates and chaplains worriedthat they may be required to violate their consciences by administering sacraments or officiating marriage ceremonies to gay service members, which would be contrary to some religious traditions, including those of the Catholic Church. ... Continue Reading
When the Rabbi is More Orthodox than the Pastor
The rabbi got it right on God’s sovereignty; the evangelical pastor did not
The confrontation highlighted an important and distressing fact, namely that it’s not just America’s children who are falling into a form of “Moral and Therapeutic Deism” but America’s pastors. We have made ourselves sovereign and constructed a God who, like a Grandma, loves us and is willing to help, and provide us with things, but... Continue Reading
Thoughts on Suicide and Salvation
Suicide is not the unpardonable sin
How she died didn’t determine who she was. What mattered was that she was “in Christ” as a child of God, therefore her sins were forgiven and are forgiven. Once a person becomes a believer, he or she is completely justified by the atoning death of Christ on the cross. Therefore no matter what sins may have... Continue Reading
The Forgotten Second Coming
A healthy church is a future-oriented church
But, what if our minds were set on another world? What if our hearts were longing and waiting for a future world? A world where “righteousness dwells”? If we did that, then holiness has a context where it is meaningful. Holiness and godliness make sense. In essence, then, people who focus more on the world... Continue Reading
Premarital Sex?
We shouldn't be afraid to call sin by its biblical name
Fornication isn’t merely “premarital.” Premarital is the language of timing, and with it we infer that this is simply the marital act misfired at the wrong time. But fornication is, both spiritually and typologically, a different sort of act from the marital act. That’s why the consequences are so dire. Christians talk a lot... Continue Reading
TIME Sounds the Alarm: The Pro-Life Cause is Winning
Pro-choice advocates are losing the debate
The scientific advances are demonstrating what pro-life advocates have been saying all along. There’s a human being in there, and an abortion stops the heart and takes a life. Unfortunately, the humanity of the unborn is never really discussed, although Pickert quotes Frances Kissling (longtime abortion activist), who clearly affirms that abortion terminates human life... Continue Reading
How to Mortify Sin
Only an understanding of how the Gospel works can provide an adequate foundation and pattern for dealing with sin
But when we understand the “glorious exchange” principle of the Gospel of grace, then we will begin to make some real advance in holiness. As sinful desires and habits are not only rejected, but exchanged for Christ-like graces and actions; as we are clothed in Christ’s character and His graces are held together by love,... Continue Reading