Greater Freedom Demands Greater Self-Discipline
We must teach ourselves and our children to be self-controlled
We seem to live in an age that doesn’t believe that moral training is necessary or even desirable and actually counts the neglect of it as a sign of enlightenment. Unfortunately, as the tragedies that will inevitably result from this approach pile up, instead of demanding a return to prior principles of training, people demand... Continue Reading
The Real Scandal of the Evangelical Mind
Why do evangelical academics crave worldly acceptance?
The day is coming, and perhaps has already come, when, first, to believe that the Bible is the Word of God, inspired, authoritative, and utterly truthful, will be seen as a sign at best of intellectual suicide, at worst of mental illness; and, second, to articulate any form of opposition to homosexual practice will be... Continue Reading
Come to me: No one’s looking
Sin beckons, but, in Christ, it is no longer our master
Therefore, if you are in Christ, sin is no longer your superior. You don’t have to listen when it says, “Come to me, no one’s looking.” You have been set free to live in the newness of life and enjoy the benefits of having a Savior who was gracious enough to live, die, rise from... Continue Reading
Strange Foreign Customs
Following Paul's church-planting pattern
It has frequently been observed that evangelicalism today is a mile wide and an inch deep. That kind of evangelicalism is not worth preserving into a new century or propagating in another culture. It cannot stand up under the pressure of “trouble or persecution because of the word” that may result when a country’s economy... Continue Reading
Western Liberalism and the Penalties of Islam
Why do liberals support radical Islam?
Liberal/left support for radical Islam, which particularly manifests itself in support for restrictions on speech, pro-Palestinian activism, and opposition to American military action in Afghanistan, Iraq, and anti-terrorism, can only be explained its animosity to a common enemy – the Judeo-Christian tradition of the West. The long standing sympathy of the religious left with... Continue Reading
How Do You Teach a Child About the Imputed Righteousness of Christ?
A coin, a dirty napkin, and a lesson
We talk about the gospel constantly in our house and in our family devotions with our children. However, we can be tempted to have these conversations with our children on a superficial level without discussing the deep theological truths wrapped up in the gospel. We think kids cannot handle it. For example, how does a... Continue Reading
Why Did God Use Spurgeon?
Gospel transformation is what our nation and the world need most
There is one thing on which many Christians today agree–we need genuine revival. Faced with rising violence, economic recession, and a growing sense of despair, we recognize that our fundamental challenge is not political or social; it is spiritual. And because such challenges require divine insight and strength, we can benefit from reviewing the landscape... Continue Reading
The Beauty in the Busy
Don't let anything quiet your celebration of what you've been called to do
It’s the joyous mystery of my life that this is what I’ve been chosen and gifted to do, and I regularly pray the ardor of ministry will not cause me to lose that joy. Does joy color your ministry? Does it quiet complaint and defend you against weariness or bitterness? Has the beauty of what... Continue Reading
The Apostle Paul’s Media Pyramid
Applying Philippians 4:8 to our media intake
There is much good in everyday life that should be acknowledged and appreciated, regardless of whether it is done or said by a Christian or not. Whether it’s a good product, a helpful service, a wise insight, a superb article, or a beautiful photograph, praise and celebrate it. Don’t look first for what you can... Continue Reading
40th March for Life crowds could top Obama Inauguration
Record breaking crowds expected
The biggest crowds ever for the annual March for Life protest are expected to hit Washington January 25 as hundreds of thousands attend the 40th anniversary rally to protest the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion, according to organizers. The march, expected to attract tens of thousands more than the record 400,000... Continue Reading