Given Deborah, Jael, and Judith, Why Shouldn’t Women Serve in Combat?
Three views on the warrior women of the Bible and today, as the Pentagon announces it's lifting the ban
As Christians, we should seek to serve where we are gifted. We should support those who are best qualified for combat, whether male or female. I find this similar to Paul’s proclamation in Galatians 3:28: “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all... Continue Reading
True Unity and the Value of Being Confessional
What is the purpose and value of holding to a 350 year-old Confession of Faith?
Unity is not just a word. It must be a reality in order to mean anything. In a Confessional church like the PCA, our unity is framed by our Confession and by our willingness to be in subjection to our brethren. If we will not set aside our personal views and preferences for the sake... Continue Reading
Intentionality: It’s Vertical Too
Using mature believers to instruct the youth
I have nothing against college or youth groups. In fact, I’ve heard many great things from such programs. As like-minded youth gather to hear the scriptures taught by a church leader, they are encouraged as they feel their issues are being addressed, edified by their peers whom they see as going through similar circumstances, and... Continue Reading
The Creepiest Video Ever?
A video celebrating the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade
When I watched the video below my jaw dropped. I thought at first it was a clever production from a pro-life group: note the lighting, the leering chuckles, the overall creepiness. Maybe the actor is hoping to replace Max McLean in the stage production of The Screwtape Letters. But no: The video is from the... Continue Reading
The Antidote To Self-Pity
Start thanking God for anything and everything you can
Thank him for his mercies. For NOT giving you what you DO deserve – his condemnation and wrath. For being your refuge and strength. For being a sympathetic high priest who knows what you’re going through and cares about you in it. For any respite or relief from your pain, for the gift of sleep,... Continue Reading
Missionaries Should Communicate—and Churches Should Demand It
Missionaries and prayers and givers have all been called by God to join together in the expansion of his glory
Churches and individual partners, you need to insist the missionaries you support are communicating with you. You are just as much a part of that ministry as the missionary in the field. Get passionate about your calling towards missions. Demand regular communication from your missionaries, but also take the initiative. Check in on them. Tell... Continue Reading
Breakaway Presbyterians in Beaufort, S.C. Seek Supporters
The Rev. Terry Johnson, pastor of the Independent Presbyterian Church of Savannah, is assisting the steering committee
Many of those forming the new church are or were members of the First Presbyterian Church of Beaufort. Several had asked to talk to the First Presbyterian congregation about breaking away from the national church but were denied, Garrett said. The steering committee for the church is seeking not only charter members, but also help... Continue Reading
The Ties That May Not Bind: Race, Religion and Marriage
New research: Americans still find it difficult to transcend race and ethnicity in matters of the heart
There is a tendency in watching movies such as “Lincoln” to look back at historical struggles against evil with a sense of moral superiority. In this awards season, as honors are heaped upon the movie depicting the politicking necessary in the 19th century to produce social change, it may be helpful to consider how far... Continue Reading
The Benediction in Corporate Worship
The benediction in worship—it is more than a prayer, it is a blessing on God’s people
God has designed the pronouncement of a Scriptural blessing or benediction to be the conclusion or culmination of the corporate worship of his people. By it the people who have gathered together in God’s name and with his presence among them depart with the assurance that God has indeed been in their midst and that... Continue Reading
Open Doors USA Honors World Magazine
Christian Publication to Receive ‘Passion for the Persecuted’ Award
“World Magazine has been a faithful partner in spreading news about Christian persecution and suffering. Through its accurate, professional and timely news stories and commentaries, both in print and online, it has raised awareness about suffering Christians. World Magazine is on the cutting edge of news, wherever or whenever it happens. We are so thankful... Continue Reading