A Corrosive Culture?
Pastors, even famous ones, are accountable to and for their local church
As for the free floating Christian leader with his own independent ‘ministry:’ well, surely the same strictures apply to him as to any other member of the church. Are there not six days of the week when he can do his thing? He ought to be back in his home church most Sundays. And if... Continue Reading
A Father Celebrates Killing His Child
"I cannot imagine arguing against a woman’s right to control her body and thus her life"
Touré is not disputing the humanity of the unborn. He concedes that seeing the second trimester sonogram of his son made him reconsider his view of when life begins. At the end of the day, however, human life in the womb is morally irrelevant to him. The only morally relevant issue is a woman’s absolute... Continue Reading
Prayers for the Future
How should believers respond as First Amendment liberties come under assault?
I think your assessment of the environment surrounding the First Amendment is correct. I have two young children (2 years and 7 months) and the possibility for more in the future, who will grow up in a vastly different America than I did. Part of me is saddened when I consider this likely reality. The... Continue Reading
Misunderstanding Israel and America
A Critique of The Harbinger and dispensational theology
A couple of weeks ago, I was listening to American Family Radio’s Bryan Fischer as he said, “Only two nations in history have ever had a direct covenant relationship with God, Israel and America.” He claimed that the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were America’s covenant documents with God. He was making this claim... Continue Reading
When the Elders Say No
Even pastors need someone willing to tell them "no"
I’ve said it many times but we all need people who can get in our face and say no. The longer a man is in a pastorate the harder that is going to be. The need for us all to realise we are accountable men, to God and to others is absolutely vital. We must... Continue Reading
Don’t Let the Screen Strangle Your Soul: Part 1
The danger of becoming dependent on technology
Much has been written and will be written about our insatiable appetite for the screen. I’ll leave it to others to decide if Google makes us stupid and whether young people are more or less relational than ever before. Let me simply suggest three ways in which the digital revolution, for all its benefits, is... Continue Reading
“If That’s Christianity You Can Keep It!”
Hypocrisy, inconsistency, and not focusing on Christ
If you ask most people why they don’t go to church, or why they don’t want to become Christians, one of the most common answers is, “Christians are a bunch of hypocrites!” Those who have left the church often give the same answer. Both groups have encountered Christians, experienced their inconsistencies, and decided, “If that’s... Continue Reading
Is Mark Driscoll Racist?
We should be careful when accusing someone of being racist
What bothers me, however, is the rally cry in Greenidge’s article that I’ve heard and read in other places, particularly during the presidential election. There were times when a white person would disagree with some aspect of President Obama’s policies, and the label that was almost immediately thrown at that person, by some African-Americans, was... Continue Reading
A War on the Military?
Just How Much More Disruption Can the Radical Left Cause our Military While We are at War?
Who are we kidding? We can withdraw from one front, but in this new century global war waged by radical Islamic terrorists, the “front” is always moving. Western Africa now looms as a new battle front. We are at war and to deny it is naive, but to make sweeping changes in military operations plus... Continue Reading
13 Reasons Christians Don’t Have to Be Afraid
Several promises in the Bible that we can remember when the temptation of fear assaults us
Fear is like the monster under my kids’ beds — its power is fueled not by what’s really there, but by what might be, what we imagine could be. Fear is a hollow darkness in the future that reaches back through time to rob our joy now by belittling the sovereign goodness of God. But... Continue Reading