Catholics on the Evangelical Trail
George Weigel heralds an "Evangelical Catholicism" whose adherents strive to bring Jesus into every area of life.
Postmodernism is about your truth and my truth, but never about the truth. Evangelical Catholicism, like all Great-Tradition Christianity, is about being found by the One who is the way, the truth, and the life, and clinging to him. Postmodern spirituality is about man’s search for God. Evangelical Catholicism, like all Great-Tradition Christianity, is about... Continue Reading
How to Deal with Disagreeable Aspects of Christianity
How one can subscribe to the idea of committing to a God who would dictate apparently disagreeable things
I find that people who are struggling with some issue tend to become myopic. All they see is the particular question or problem that they are struggling with. They fail to step back and see the big picture. Like a person holding his thumb in front of his face and seeing it as larger than... Continue Reading
Mebane Presbyterian Church leaving PCUSA for EPC
On Feb. 12 Mebane Presbyterian Church [N.C.] was dismissed from the Presbyterian Church (USA) to affiliate with the Evangelical Presbyterian Church.
Salem’s dismissal policy required that two-thirds of the church’s active membership be present for each vote taken, which was the case for the church. Ninety percent of Mebane’s active voting membership agreed to the dismissal terms during a Jan. 27 vote, nearly eight weeks after the church’s session and the Salem Presbytery Resolution Team hammered... Continue Reading
Ft. Collins PCUSA Church Withdraws Request for Dismissal
Six months after deciding to seek dismissal, the session First Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), Ft. Collins, Colo withdraws the request
The session of First Presbyterian Church of Fort Collins – the second largest congregation in the Plains and Peaks Presbytery behind First Presbyterian Church of Boulder – withdrew its request for dismissal on Jan. 13, ending a 13-month journey that started out as a means of discerning where God might be leading them. Six... Continue Reading
What is a Weekend?
Sabbath observance is eroding
The meaning of weekend has changed since Shorter Oxford English Dictionary defined it as “often a time during which business is suspended and most shops are closed,” and since the Puritans adopted blue laws to prohibit commercial activity on Sundays. Sabbath observance is eroding. In general, our culture does not support the biblical view... Continue Reading
Battling Sinful Sarcasm
Brothers and sisters, let's not sarcastically banter our way out of relationships with one another
Let’s call a spade a spade: sarcasm often gives us license to be lightheartedly hateful. Only I can look inside my heart and determine when I’m honoring God with my sense of humor and when I’m grieving his name. When my sarcasm condemns, judges, shames, or isolates God’s image-bearers, I sin against God’s cherished craftsmanship.... Continue Reading
The Power of the Flying Pink Elephant
The "Power of Positive Thinking" vs. faith in the God who saves
It’s knowing who Christ was, what He did on the cross, and what He still does for us to this day that strengthens the believer for every task. For Peale’s salesmen, and Edwards, these kinds of biblical verses seemed to be more like a mantra, a self-assuring, almost self-hypnotizing sense that a higher power was... Continue Reading
Stupidity of Bitterness
Indulging in bitterness is one of the most stupid things we ever do.
All too often, rather than turning to God for grace to respond to the wrong with wisdom and forgiveness, we choose to indulge bitterness. We keep thinking about that wrong. We play it like a video in our mind over and over. We stab ourselves with the sharp memory of the incident, feeling the pain... Continue Reading
Arkansas’ new abortion law won’t stop a beating heart
New law bans abortions after 12 weeks or after a heartbeat is detected
With the new law, Arkansas has the toughest abortion restrictions in the nation. The bill, which maintains exceptions for rape, incest, to save the mother’s life, or for severe birth defects, is set to become law 90 days after the legislature adjourns—at the end of March or early April. If an unborn baby’s heart... Continue Reading
‘Christ’ banned from Longview council invocations
Pastors can pray, so long as they don't mention Jesus
Longview City Attorney James McNamara said the U.S. Supreme Court law has made it clear that invocations can be given at city council meetings. “The more unclear answer is whether the prayer can invoke the name of Jesus Christ,” he said Monday, adding that different courts have reached different conclusions on the matter. Ministers... Continue Reading