Research: Brand Awareness of Non-profits
When it comes to brand awareness in the non-profit world, size definitely does matter
When it comes to brand awareness for non-profit organizations, size does matter. Americans are most aware of massive non-religious organizations that work internationally. Just a handful of organizations dominate first-mention brand awareness in the non-profit arena….The study shows that what people tend to be most aware of are massive organizations with no religious affiliation that... Continue Reading
Why Do You Call Me “Homophobic” Because I Disagree With “Gay Marriage”?
"Homophobic" paints a person as unthinking, bigoted, and scared of something he or she doesn't agree with; I contest such a label
The label homophobic doesn’t really mean what it says. By calling me homophobic I am being accused of ignorantly or hatefully opposing homosexuality. The label is applied in pejorative way to paint me as having an illogical or irrational disagreement with homosexual practice. Of course, I do disagree with homosexual practice (or any pre/extra marital sexual practice), but I... Continue Reading
Does Leviticus Only Condemn Idolatrous Homosexual Practice? – An Open Letter from Robert Gagnon
Does the Bible condemn homosexual relations in general or only a particular kind of gay sex?
So unjustifiable is the claim that Lev 18:22 and 20:13 reject only idolatrous forms of homosexual practice that even a Bible scholar who is strongly supportive of homosexual relationships and who has written more on the issue of sexuality in ancient Judaism and Christianity than any other scholar acknowledges that the Levitical prohibitions are absolute.... Continue Reading
Update on Arrangements for Edith Schaeffer’s Funeral
The date and time of the funeral is April 19 at 2 p.m.
There will be the one public funeral for Edith Schaeffer and in her honor, and anyone who desires to attend is invited to do so. The date and time of the funeral is April 19 at 2 p.m. Later in the year, there will be a public graveside service in the US, when Edith Schaeffer’s... Continue Reading
The Revolt of Intelligence Against “Marriage Equality”
It is on behalf of intelligence, “not allowing our passions to become blind,” that I reject the notion of “marriage equality.”
Instead marriage should be respected in terms parallel to the concept of freedom and unalienable human rights endowed by the Creator. Marriage is thereby recognized as an unalienable societal structure embedded by the Creator into the architecture of creation and into the essence of human nature. People who smash marriage end up smashing themselves as... Continue Reading
How Does A Pastor Learn From His Mistakes In Ministry?
The rate of young men having one bad church experience and bailing on this “ministry thing” is staggering
As his story will reveal, Kyle came out of seminary celebrated as a most gifted man and was told by everyone in his life he would conquer the world for Jesus. But pastoring four churches in ten years left Kyle beaten, battered, and asking all sorts of questions. With a very blunt, transparency Kyle shares about his journey.... Continue Reading
Review of ‘Burnout’
Lord, help us not to say yes to more things than we can handle.”
“Practical writings have a strong tendency to only reinforce burnout,” recognizing his own helpful book will do just this if we take it as “do more get better” and not grasp his greater message of gospel application. I was glad that he added this important part, and think it may have done well for him... Continue Reading
Review of a “New New Testament”: Part 2
This “New New Testament” contains ten added books chosen by a council of wise and nationally known spiritual leaders
If it is true that there is nothing qualitatively distinctive about the books we include in the New Testament, then the whole concept of a New Testament evaporates. The whole idea of a “canon” is that some books are in, and some books are out, and that there is a reason for such distinctions. But,... Continue Reading
Ayn Rand Really, Really Hated C.S. Lewis
Ayn Rand was no fan of C.S. Lewis
It is unbelievable, but this monster literally thinks that to give men new knowledge is to gain power(!) over them. The cheap, awful, miserable, touchy, social-metaphysical mediocrity!….So Bacon is a “magician” – but Christ performing miracles is, of course, a spectacle of pure, rational knowledge!! This monstrosity is not opposed to science – oh no! – not to pure science,... Continue Reading
The Quest for The Next Big Thing
In an innovative, youth-oriented culture, the temptation for the church is to prize innovation and youth above all things.
The major problem for the church is not technical but moral: human sinfulness. People do not refuse to believe because the minister has not mastered a particular demographic study or because he has failed to understand how “people today” think (this, and its synonyms, are typically code for people between 18 and 35, and thus... Continue Reading