Sexual Lines no Pastor Should Cross
Advice for pastors on avoiding temptation
When you are close to some woman other than your wife, and you begin to sense all the signs of attraction–your temperature rising, your blood pressure elevating–walk away quickly. Make up an excuse, even if it’s only that “I just remembered something; I’ll be right back.” Then, get to your office or pretend to make... Continue Reading
Are There Contradictions in the Bible?
The majesty of the style, the consent of all the parts, the scope of the whole
We know that God may use different authors to record the same or similar events, and the authors can describe the event from their perspective, with their respective languages and literary styles. But still we would expect agreement in the substance of what is being taught if all accounts are speaking under the superintendence of... Continue Reading
Envy Hunts in a Pack
The wolf-pack of envy is the death of gospel-shaped community
These sins always leave the same carnage in their wake: mistrust, conflict, divisions, dissensions, and strife. Envy inevitably tears people apart. It is corrosive to genuine fellowship and camaraderie. It makes friendship and unity impossible. It undermines all of the glorious “one-anothering” that the gospel calls us to: love one another, encourage one another, accept... Continue Reading
Is the News Making Us Dumb?
The problem isn't merely that the latest news is inaccurate—that is an inevitable feature of daily news—but that most news is largely irrelevant to our lives as Christians.
As Christians, we’re expected to take an eternal perspective, viewing events not only in their historical but also in their eschatological context. But I can’t do that while focusing on the churning events of the last 24 hours. Events that are truly important are rarely those captured on the front page of a daily paper.... Continue Reading
How Does a Pastor Interact With Those Who Seek To Monopolize His Time On Sunday morning?
Three suggestions for handling a common pastoral concern
What adds to the madness is the person who aggressively hunts the pastor down after the service and feels entitled to his undivided attention for a long time. This is the person that feels a complete disregard for others that are usually patiently waiting in line. In our church, this person usually is someone who... Continue Reading
Why Deny Reality?
Much of the reigning secular orthodoxy in our country is based on the denial of natural reality
So I am free to determine my own morality, as long as my morality matches the politically correct secular orthodoxy. If I dare challenge the politically correct establishment and submit myself to Scripture instead, I am labeled a bigot and excluded from polite society. What is the final result? God’s natural reality and moral law... Continue Reading
Louisiana College Loses Largest Donor in College History
Due to the Unethical Behavior of President Aguillard
The donors, who have given $5 million to the school over the last two and a half years and who by some reports have pledged $60 million, explicitly state that they “deeply regret that we must now discontinue that support due to actions of President Aguillard which we believe to be unethical and potentially illegal.”... Continue Reading
Is it ‘Unspiritual’ to be Discouraged?
Faith in Christ does not remove all causes of discouragement; rather, it enables us to overcome them
Nor is this the biblical spirituality; it is a false ‘super-spirituality’ that ignores or denies the reality of our humanity. We live in frail flesh and blood and in a fallen world which, John says, ‘lies in the power of the evil one’ (1 John 5:19). There is much to discourage. Jesus felt that. To... Continue Reading
Rebaptism: Turning a Pastoral Dilemma into a Teaching Opportunity
Let’s view each occasion for discussion as an opportunity to build up the people of God and to magnify the grace of God in Jesus Christ to which baptism points.
The theology of baptism suggests that rebaptism in instances where a valid baptism has already occurred runs counter to the symbolic nature of the sacrament itself. The confessional prohibition on rebaptism is well-founded and ought to be observed. But here, of course, pastoral considerations must not be ignored. Pastors and elders do not wish to... Continue Reading
Same-Sex Marriage as a Civil Right — Are Wrongs Rights?
Does recognition of civil rights for all people require the legalization of same-sex marriage?
At this point Christians have to think very carefully. We do not want to deny anyone his or her civil rights. To do so would not only violate the Constitution but also deny the rights that are granted, not by the government, but by the Creator. But is same-sex marriage such a right? The answer... Continue Reading