Who Are Your Heroines?
Scripture gives us real heroines who did the little stuff, the messy stuff, and the necessary stuff.
Adult women need heroines, too. But these extraordinary women are little overwhelming to me. Truly, I can’t conquer the laundry, let alone find a cure for cancer. I take joy in the fact that the heroines in Scripture are outwardly less splashy than those from women’s history month. “Mother shuns Disney Princess ideal and... Continue Reading
Four Further Thoughts on the Complementarian Conversation
It seems to me the current conversation is mainly about two things: abuse and application.
Where have complementarian principles been abused? How are complementarian principles best applied? Those are fair questions. There are black and white issues, but just as many gray ones (which is why Danvers is thick on principles and thin on specifics). We should be able to talk about the applications without assuming that everyone to the... Continue Reading
A Prayer for the People of the Oklahoma Tornado Tragedy
As part of our support, praying for the people ravaged by the Oklahoma tornado
Lord, we are desperate to release our burden for the grieving people of Oklahoma as we lift their needs before Your throne of mercy… Encourage those who sit amidst the ruin and rubble of what was once their homes, like Jeremiah weeping, and help them to rebuild and give them a faith beyond their own... Continue Reading
The Mass Exodus of Christians from the Muslim World
A mass exodus of Christians is currently underway. Millions of Christians are being displaced from one end of the Islamic world to the other. We are reliving the true history of how the Islamic world, much of which prior to the Islamic conquests was almost entirely Christian, came into being. A mass exodus of Christians is... Continue Reading
Thoughts on Culture Wars
Christians in America must remember that our greatest goal is not to preserve a Christian America, but to advance the gospel throughout the country. The preaching of the gospel, fueled by prayer and service to our neighbor is our greatest weapon–not getting into debates about homosexuality, abortion, etc. There is a time for debate, but... Continue Reading
Big Question
What Day Changed the Course of Christian History?
For the inaugural article in our new series “Big Questions,” The Gospel Coalition asked four Christian historians, “After AD 70, what day most changed the course of Christian history?” Robert Louis Wilken … at the University of Virginia. … George Marsden … at the University of Notre Dame… Philip Jenkins … at Baylor University. …... Continue Reading
Religious Freedom Watch
What the IRS Wants to Know About Your Religion
From the 16 May 2013 Memo to the Hon. Aaron Schock, Member of Congress, Committee of Ways and Means, from Thomas Brejcha, Peter Breen, Sally Wagenmaker, Esqs. Thomas More Society. The IRS asks: Please explain how all of your activities, including the prayer meetings held outside of Planned Parenthood are considered education as defined under... Continue Reading
Happy Are The Mourners
Blessed Grief
There are 2 kinds of grief: godly and worldly. Worldly grief is feeling bad because you got caught or things went wrong after you sinned. It’s regret because you look bad in others’ eyes or you messed up your life. … Godly sorrow regrets hurting God and we want to change, not to improve our... Continue Reading
Lawsuit Claiming Church Conspiracy To Conceal Child Abuse Adds More Names and Charges
Sovereign Grace Ministries finds allegations 'serious, grievous, and difficult to read,' but says no evidence of cover-up.
A controversial lawsuit alleging leaders of Sovereign Grace Ministries conspired to conceal the sexual abuse of children has been amended a second time … SGM responded promptly, stating in part: “The charges in this amended complaint are serious, grievous, and difficult to read. The thought of such alleged abuse is extremely disturbing. Because of our... Continue Reading
Church of Scotland Votes To Allow Gay Ministers
Halting between two opinions: Church of Scotland affirmed the Church’s “current doctrine and practice in relation to human sexuality,” but will allow congregations to depart from this doctrine if they choose.
Church commissioners backed his motion to “affirm the Church’s historic and current doctrine and practice in relation to human sexuality, (but) nonetheless permit those Kirk Sessions who wish to depart from that doctrine and practice to do so”. Today’s historic vote effectively means that the traditionalist position holds, but congregations will be able to choose... Continue Reading