The Problem of Muslim Leadership
Another Islamist terror attack, another round of assurances that it had nothing to do with the religion of peace.
The question requiring an answer at this moment in history is clear: Which group of leaders really speaks for Islam? The officially approved spokesmen for the “Muslim community”? Or the manic street preachers of political Islam, who indoctrinate, encourage and train the killers—and then bless their bloodshed? In America, too, the question is pressing. Who... Continue Reading
Twin Cities Area Presbytery Issues Reminder about Same-Sex Marriage
State Law Is Not Church Law
With the legalization of same-sex marriage in Minnesota, the Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area (PTCA) issued a reminder to churches that civil action by the legislature does not affect the Book of Order, which governs the Presbyterian Church (USA). … Even though states have legalized gay marriage, the PCUSA constitution still prohibits clergy from... Continue Reading
5 Reflections on My First Year of Seminary
Thanking God for the Privilege
But done right, studying in seminary can be a rich time of personal growth. Perhaps it’s because I’m in the everyday throes of ministry and family, but seminary has only allowed me to know Christ more by knowing His Word more. To make the sacrifice to study theology intensely is an act of worship. Even... Continue Reading
The Real Reason Millennials Don’t Buy Cars and Homes
It’s Pretty Straightforward.
But the millennials may not be as mystifying as an army of sociologists makes them out to be. “Every generation eventually sheds their most extreme characteristics,” says Jason Dorsey of the Center for Generational Kinetics, a consulting firm in Austin, Texas. “What is different about millennials is delayed adulthood. They’re entering into many adult decisions... Continue Reading
Keeping Your Church Growing: Some Thoughts on the Prayer Meeting
Prayer Meeting Basics
The church that does not pray as a community is as surely dying as is the church that is not inviting and welcoming. The power of the church comes through its use of the means of grace: preaching, administering the sacraments, and prayer. Yet many churches seem to think that only the first two are... Continue Reading
Value of Survey Reasearch
Applying the Wisdom of Nehemiah to Local Church Planning
Depending on your church’s form of government, there are risks in allowing the decision making body to just discuss and decide these issues involving major changes. It has been my experience, especially in smaller churches, that if the leadership tries to institute major changes that the majority, or even a strong, vocal minority, are not... Continue Reading
Five Lies Sin Tells Me
Confronting the lies of sin with the truth
LIE: This sin is part of who I am. I’ve always struggled this way and I always will sin this way. TRUTH: Sin does not define my identity! I am a new creation in Christ. Christ has set me free from the enslaving power of sin. I absolutely do not have to obey the sinful... Continue Reading
Clarification on Why We Won’t Continue with Boy Scouts
The BSA decision is not about allowing struggling sinners to remain in the organization; it is about acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle.
A person can be openly homosexual without having sex. A boy who dates girls, or expresses his desire to date girls, is openly heterosexual. A boy who dates boys, or expresses his desire to date boys, is openly homosexual. The result of the change in the BSA policy is that being openly homosexual is now... Continue Reading
Death Panels? Of Course …
The term “death panel” accurately reflects decisions that have to be made about whom to save when resources are scarce.
If government is going to continue to pay for health care entitlements, the question is not whether some people will be denied health care; it is about who makes the decision and how the decision is made. Rather than pretending that it is possible for the government to spend whatever it takes to provide unlimited... Continue Reading
What Do We Really Need: A New Technique or a Living Savior?
God does not give us clever tricks for coping with life; He gives us new life and a living hope through a risen and eternally living Savior
Now some Christians take the living hope resurrection power of Christ as itself being a new kind of technique for overcoming trials in life. In other words, they say that, if we truly believe in Christ and His resurrection power is at work within us, we never need to face any kind of overwhelming trial.... Continue Reading