Haters Gonna Hate
How to Deal with 3 Kinds of Hate Mail
Pray for your haters, ask God to help you love them, and take every opportunity to do them good. Don’t avoid them and don’t take sneaky swipes at them from the pulpit. One of the wonders of the gospel is that God can make the worst of enemies the best of friends. View this as... Continue Reading
Should I Submit To My Boyfriend?
Your boyfriend is not your husband
But you don’t have to be married to determine to let your relationships put Jesus on display. Look for ways to honor and glorify God in all of your relationships, including your dating relationships. Speak with kindness. Forgive freely. Run away from sexual sin. These are ways you can showcase Christ without treating your boyfriend... Continue Reading
Fighting the Tyranny of Ministry Success
Responding to the Cult of Celebrity
So what do you do if your frustration level is rising because you do not see your service attendance, podcast numbers, or Twitter followers escalating as much as you’d like? How do you respond if you are tyrannized by seeing a cult of celebrity surround a different minister rather than yourself? Three things: What... Continue Reading
ARP Synod: Synod and Erskine Settle the Question of Institutional Oversight
After years of debate, Erskine College and Seminary are clearly identified as under the authority of the ARP Synod
After a year of study, the Erskine Board agreed with the Synod’s committee that Synod does have the right to remove trustees with cause. According to board member Bill Cain, a “significant majority” of the board voted to change the charter at its May meeting. On Wednesday, June 12, the Synod-Erskine committee re-proposed the charter... Continue Reading
The Sunday Sports Dilemma
The practice young athletes really need? Worship
Sunday sports do not pose a unique challenge; the issue does not go away as our children enter into adulthood. Throughout life, they will confront the temptation to allow others to dictate their use of Sundays. Inevitably, their employers will schedule occasional meetings for Sunday, their relatives will plan a Sunday reunion, and Sunday will,... Continue Reading
At the OPC General Assembly: Final Business
The 81st OPC General Assembly will meet at Kuyper College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, June 4–10, 2014
The Committee on Arrangements made its final report. Budgets for GA purposes were approved and a resolution of thanks to St. Mary’s College was adopted. The assembly was dissolved by the moderator, who called for the 81st General Assembly to meet at Kuyper College in Grand Rapids, Michigan from June 4–10, 2014. There were... Continue Reading
4 Things Pastors Can Do About Fear
What in the world should we do about fear?
So many difficult burdens can capture your mind in local church ministry. There are so many things you could worry about. There are so many messy relationships, unfinished conversations, unfinished agendas, and unknown conclusions. In intensely practical ways, you are always living between the already and the not yet. So it is vital in ministry... Continue Reading
Covenant College Hires New Chaplain
Grant Lowe has been called as chaplain
Rev. Grant Lowe, a member of the Pacific Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church in America, has been called as the next chaplain at Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, Ga. He will be moving from Pasadena, where he served as assistant pastor of Grace Pasadena Church (PCA). He also served as Coordinator of Campus Ministries at... Continue Reading
Arlen Specter, Leithart and the PCA SJC
Clarity needed in the way the Standing Judicial Commission decided in the Leithart case
Instead of ruling on the Record of the Case and the Constitution, they ruled merely with regard to the complaint before them. Thus now, according to the SJC, Leithart very well may be teaching heresy against the confession. The PNWP may have erred in exonerating him. However, the complainant didn’t prove that. The SJC, like... Continue Reading
The Question Not Asked in Germany: To Spank or Not To Spank?
To spank or not to spank? is no longer the question in Germany, at least for law abiding citizens
As of April 2013, two books were blacklisted at the request of the German child protection services because they promote spanking. The first is Michael and Debi Pearl’s To Train up a Child, the second is Ted Tripp’s Shepherding a Child’s Heart. Though these books may appear as bookshelf standards in many American evangelical homes,... Continue Reading