Gender-based violence ‘wielded mercilessly’ in Muslim countries
Christian women vulnerable due to profound lack of equality, claims new report
Of note is the continued assumption in these societies that females are responsible for any sexual attack they experience. The result is that shame clings to the victim following an assault and some victims are even stoned. Gilbert argues that in the context of societies where women are defined as being of little worth and... Continue Reading
Updated: Committee Actions on Overtures Presented to the 41st PCA General Assembly
Overtures before the PCA General Assembly June 18-21
Both the Administrative Committee (AC) and the Overture Committee (OC) have met and completed their recommendations on the overtures referred to them. The AC recommended answering Overtures 7 and 11 in the affirmative and Overture 1 in the negative. The OC answered Overtures 12, 13, and 15 in the affirmative, Overtures 4, 5, 6, 7,... Continue Reading
ARP Synod: Concluding Business
Moderator Kingswood’s efficient leadership combined with a relative lack of contentious issues brought Synod to a close in record time
Synod’s Committee on Inter-Church Relations recommended that the ARP Synod extend an invitation to the Reformed Presbyterian Church in North America (RPCNA) to hold concurrent synods at Bonclarkin in 2015. Both synods would conduct business in separate facilities in Bonclarkin, but the worship services would be conducted together and opportunities for fellowship would be built... Continue Reading
How To Be A Weird Christian Without Being A WEIRD Christian
Making sure they don’t stumble over our preferences.
Because following Jesus is “weird” and the message of the gospel is “folly”, we must take care that we do not add any additional stumbling blocks to the message of the gospel. We must take great pains to ensure that the only thing unbelievers stumble over is the gospel, and that the only offense is... Continue Reading
Darwin’s Head-Scratcher
How intelligent design offers the best explanation for the sudden appearance of many animals upon the earth—an event Darwin could not reconcile
This book addresses Darwin’s most significant doubt and what has become of it. It examines an event during a remote period of geological history in which numerous animal forms appear to have arisen suddenly and without evolutionary precursors in the fossil record, a mysterious event commonly referred to as the “Cambrian explosion.” As he acknowledged... Continue Reading
The Apostle Paul’s Missionary and Evangelism Strategy
He both planned his journeys and seized the opportunities
He didn’t have a “whatever it takes,” or a “whatever works” mentality, he had a “whatever glorifies God” mentality, or even a “whatever God allows” mentality toward evangelism. Paul was a “one horse preacher.” He went preaching the gospel, not trusting in the “wisdom of words,” but trusting in and preaching “Christ and Him crucified”... Continue Reading
Evangelical Presbyterian Church Meets In Highlands Ranch, Colorado
Record Assembly to consider new presbytery and approve a revised Book of Government
This is a record-setting General Assembly for the EPC. More than 1100 people from around the world will gather in Denver, including 620 voting commissioners and 35 exhibitors. The General Assembly will also have an international flavor to it. In attendance will be more than 60 EPC missionaries, 50% more than last year, and fraternal... Continue Reading
Moving Evangelicals Beyond Idolatry
The danger of theology as an idol factory.
There is much that is orthodox within current evangelicalism. Sadly, there is also much that is not orthodox. I see the problem of idolatry, not as a slight deviation here and there, but as a major problem. Idolatrous views of God are rampant within current evangelicalism. I find a God who is not immutable, who... Continue Reading
I Want Only Your Lies
Deliverance from self-deception through grace and truth.
The irony is that once you turn from God to find good, the truth that we cannot bear to face is that we are the ones full of evil. For looking to anything other than God to learn goodness is the highest of evil. There is no good apart from God. And so the attractive... Continue Reading
Introspective Questions on the Eve of PCA General Assembly
Thoughts as we prepare for GA
Is my doctrine in line with the doctrine of the Westminster standards? Or do I have to engage in a certain amount of mental gymnastics in order not to be a liar when I say that I “sincerely receive and adopt” the standards as “containing the system of doctrine taught in the Holy Scriptures”? If... Continue Reading