When Solomon Tweeted
@KingSolomon Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes. @MoabiteMan RT @KingSolomon Answer a fool according to his folly, lest you be like him yourself. // Very subtle dude! Talk to me in person next time! @SonsOfAdonijah Hey folks, check out Solomon. He’s at it again. Typical! RT... Continue Reading
Asking the Right Questions of Biblical Archaeology
Does archaeology has disproved the historicity of the Bible’s events?
In the end, Merling reminds us that we must ask the right questions of archaeology and not expect too much of it. He suggests that the relationship between the Bible (properly read) and archaeology (properly interpreted) is not static: “Both can help us better understand the other, but neither can, nor should, be used as... Continue Reading
RE Bruce Terrell Elected Moderator of 41st PCA General Assembly
Terrell is a PCA Ruling Elder and Executive Director of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City
At its opening session on Tuesday, June 18, 2013, the 41st General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America elected RE Bruce Terrell as Moderator. The PCA General Assembly is holding its annual meeting in the TD Convention Center in Greenville, S.C., through June 21. Terrell is a PCA Ruling Elder and Executive Director of... Continue Reading
Abandoned By God
How long, O Lord? Will You forget me forever?
Recently, in the deepest part of the night, while facing struggles personally, maritally and vocationally, I came to the point of feeling truly abandoned by God. The pain of loss, broken-heartedness and hopelessness truly gripped me and as I cried out to God I truly felt He had turned His back upon me. I felt... Continue Reading
An Alternative to the Gospel Coalition and T4G Statements about Sovereign Grace Ministries
Suggestions on what the statements on SGM should have said
I’m aware of widespread concern about these TGC and T4G statements among many in the reformed community. However, there is considerable fear of speaking out due to the perceived power and influence of these men. Conference invites, book publishing, blogging platforms, etc., have all been mentioned. Brothers and sisters, let’s think better of them. We’re... Continue Reading
Everyday Christianity
A Faith Free From The Accidental Pharisaism of Missional, Radical, Crazy and Other Superlatives
In the end, Christians don’t need adjectives, trending tribes, or superlatives that make them vulnerable to narcissism and shame to know what it “truly” means to follow Christ. The Bible’s language is sufficient. Instead, God’s people are invited to live lives free (Gal 5) from any from of direct or accidental legalism everyday. The good... Continue Reading
4 Pastors at Virginia’s ROC Megachurch Resign Amid Swirling Sexual Assault Allegations
Pastor G, who is married with five children, acknowledged to the church that his affairs have been a distraction
The ROC church had initially dismissed the allegations against Pastor G in a May 3 statement as “unsettling rumors and inaccurate news reports” but as more information began to surface, the church noted in another statement on May 23, that their lead pastor had decided to step down from his post temporarily. Five days later,... Continue Reading
Parents, Do You Think Before You Post?
How many parents realize that they are the custodians of their children's virtual identity until they are old enough to manage it on their own?
I am sure my mother had days when she wanted to give toddler-me to gypsies, but no permanent record of these moments existed for adolescent-me to find. A few of those stories do survive in oral form, but they are retold with laughter, face-to-face, where tone and facial expression give them context. If my mother... Continue Reading
Big Questions for Medium-Sized Problems
Medium-sized problems need to be addressed before they get too big
Small problems are frequent and easily solved. You said something hurtful to her, or he acted in an insensitive way toward you. Someone apologized, or somebody covered the sin with love. The problem is worked out quickly. On the other hand, big problems, with their longer duration and more devastating consequences, are harder. Thankfully, these... Continue Reading
The Reformation for a New Generation
An Interview with William Boekestein
William Boekestein is the pastor of Covenant Reformed Church in Carbondale,PA, and the author of several fully-illustrated children’s books. These books, The Glory of Grace, The Quest for Comfort, and Faithfulness Under Fire, have been written with the hope that they would help children gain a greater appreciation for the Christian faith and Reformation church history. We recently had the opportunity to... Continue Reading