The Case for Plural Marriage
The slippery slope gets slicker and steeper
This article is just one more piece of evidence that the redefinition of marriage won’t end with legal gay “marriage.” The trajectory that we are on means that legal marriage may very well be defined out of existence. If all unions are privileged in law, then no unions are privileged. There is evidence that this... Continue Reading
Are Those Who Have Never Heard of Christ Going to Hell?
The Apostle Paul gives us the answer.
God never punishes people for rejecting Jesus if they’ve never heard of Jesus. When I say that, people breathe a sigh of relief and say, “Then we’d better not tell anybody about Jesus because somebody might reject him. Then they’re really in deep trouble.” But again, there are other reasons to go to hell. To... Continue Reading
Why They Left God
Leaving churches that are "shallow, harmless, and ultimately irrelevant"
Following our 2010 debate in Billings, Montana, I asked Christopher Hitchens why he didn’t try to savage me on stage the way he had so many others. His reply was immediate and emphatic: “Because you believe it.” Without fail, our former church-attending students expressed similar feelings for those Christians who unashamedly embraced biblical teaching. Larry... Continue Reading
Lay Aside the Weight of Self-Preoccupation
They that lose their lives shall find them.
The self is not glorious enough to captivate the soul. We know this. Yet our fallen selves don’t want to believe it. We’re drawn again and again into the hopeless labyrinth of deception that is self-worship. We know we’re not worship-worthy—no matter how many self-affirming pop psychology mantras we chant. And yet we try over... Continue Reading
The Exodus of Exodus International
Christian ministry for those battling same-sex attraction announces it will close, as its board looks to launch a new organization
Those comments led Robert Gagnon, an associate professor at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, to call for Chambers’ resignation. Gagnon, who has written about homosexuality and spoken at Exodus events, said it’s unbiblical to assure people living in lifelong, unrepentant sin that they will go to heaven. “Alan’s approach of providing assurances of salvation to those actively... Continue Reading
God So Loved, He Gave
A Book Review
God So Loved, He Gave is a genuine joy to read. It forcefully reminds readers–or, perhaps, informs them for the first time–that Christ’s saving work and its corresponding call to faith and, ultimately, self-sacrifice flows from, and so reveals, the fundamental character of the triune God as deeply loving and profoundly generous. In that process,... Continue Reading
Melvyn Bragg on William Tyndale: His Genius Matched that of Shakespeare
William Tyndale was burned at the stake for translating the Bible into English. He loaded our language with more phrases than any other writer before or since, says Melvyn Bragg.
For considerable stretches of his short life, Tyndale was hounded across Western Europe by spies and agents from the hypocritical king of England, Henry VIII, the Pope and by the Holy Roman Emperor. It was the Emperor’s net which closed in on him in the end. By then, even to have known Tyndale let alone... Continue Reading
Reformed Church in America (RCA) removes conscience clauses
The clauses provided for conscientious objection to women's ordination
Originally adopted in 1980, the “conscience clauses” were intended to maintain unity and peace despite a diversity of opinion concerning the ordination of women, which had been adopted by the RCA in 1979. (The RCA’s ordained offices are deacon, elder, and minister of Word and sacrament.) On Thursday afternoon, General Synod officially ratified the... Continue Reading
The Prolonged Suicide of the SBC
Scripture not "fun" programs bring people to Christ
The church largely today expects to be entertained, and instead of pastors and Sunday school teachers standing up and trusting the word of God, imploring hearers to listen because of the authority of the book itself, we have watered it down, and have chosen instead to add entertainment to the text in order to feel... Continue Reading
Alan Chambers Apologizes to Gay Community, Exodus International to Shut Down
Exodus International announces plans to close and begin a separate ministry.
Please know that I am deeply sorry. I am sorry for the pain and hurt many of you have experienced. I am sorry that some of you spent years working through the shame and guilt you felt when your attractions didn’t change. I am sorry we promoted sexual orientation change efforts and reparative theories about... Continue Reading