EPC Assembly Opens with “Understanding the Secular Landscape” Presentation
Mittleberg spoke of seven “key elements that will equip and motivate us to better reach our world for Jesus Christ.”
“In order for this to happen, we have to move first. The Great Commission starts with the command to go and that is Jesus’ command to us, His disciples today.” Referring to the pictogram he asked, “When you look at this — do you yell across the chasm and call them to come to you?... Continue Reading
PCA Pastor Rick Fite Called Home To Glory
Rick Fite was pastor of Grace Presbyterian Church for 28 years
A faithful pastor, he was also actively involved in local ministries and various positions in Rocky Mountain Presbytery. He served on the board of Evangelical Christian Academy (ECA), including a number of terms as chairman of board. He was an adjunct professor at New Geneva Seminary in Colorado Springs where he was a popular instructor... Continue Reading
Where Have We Been And Where Are We Going?
"We should avoid the way in which we used to set forth the negative."
The Rev. Richard W. Gray, then pastor of Calvary Presbyterian Church in Willow Grove, Penn., was an architect of the 1965 union of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, General Synod [1833-1965] and the Evangelical Presbyterian Church [1961-1965] that produced the Reformed Presbyterian Church, Evangelical Synod (RPCES), which in 1982 was received into the Presbyterian Church in... Continue Reading
What Is Wrong With the Young, Restless and Reformed Movement?
Reformed theology, removed from its proper historical place of Reformed religion and ecclesiology, and is planted in modern evangelical gnostic spirituality, it takes a grotesque shape
You have churches today which are making all manner of compromises and accommodations to the trends of our shallow culture, but pride themselves on their adherence to the “doctrines of grace.” The TULIP cult is certainly not alone in this regard (as seeker-sensitive church growth fads have shown for decades); but it is ironic that... Continue Reading
Competition Is Rapidly Changing College
Is the traditional college doomed? More and more people think so; largely because of online courses
I am confident that some traditional colleges will go out of business in the next 10-15 years due to their inability to adapt. The schools that survive will have to do more than address the cost issue. It is impossible for those offering the traditional college experience to compete on price alone. The survivors will... Continue Reading
Student (and Others) Reading for the Summer
Some guided reading for the summer
Andrew Hoffecker, Charles Hodge. A beautifully written biography of a delightful Presbyterian leader and hero. This has become my favourite Christian biography of all time. I wish I had written it; no – I wish I was even remotely capable of writing it. As I am not, reading it is the next best thing. I... Continue Reading
‘Is You Is Or Is You Ain’t My Clergy?’ Local Clergy Called To Decision
The question for withdrawing Episcopal clergy, will they be loyal to the Bishop or loyal to Christ?
Those pushing revisionist theology have repeatedly attempted to frame the debate in terms of human sexuality. While that is the issue that has gotten the most coverage in the secular press, it has been stated time and again by those who have come to be known as re-asserters — those wishing to uphold the faith... Continue Reading
William Dudley Elected Moderator of the EPC
Dudley has been the senior pastor of Signal Mountain Presbyterian Church in Signal Mountain, Tenn., for 24 years
Dudley has served as associate pastor of Memorial Presbyterian Church in Montgomery, Ala.; pastor of Newnan Presbyterian Church in Newnan, Ga.; and, again at Memorial Church as senior pastor for 14 years before to his call to Signal Mountain. After 38 years of ministry in the Presbyterian Church (USA), in 2007, Dudley transferred his ordination... Continue Reading
It’s Time to Say Goodbye to Tradition
The word “tradition should be banned; it has lost its meaning
Maybe at some point in our history, we became embarrassed by the word Christian and we started using the word traditional. At first it was understandable. In Christian America tradition was Christian. However today the word tradition is a dead word and it ought to be trashed. I am afraid that too many Christians have... Continue Reading
Actions of the 41st General Assembly of the PCA
Paedocommunion, Leithart and Meyers, SJC nominations, Insider Movement, Overtures, and a report on Child Abuse
The 41st General Assembly of the PCA has adjourned in Greenville, South Carolina. There were many issues considered including paedocommunion, Leithart and Meyers’ trials, SJC nominations, Insider Movement, Overtures, and a report on Child Abuse. What follows is an overview of some of the main actions of this year’s GA. The report from the Review... Continue Reading