This Is Your Brain on Marriage
Alternate strategies for defending traditional marriage.
In luxurious, entertainment-soaked societies, people – especially Millennials – aren’t concerned with what is logical as much as they are about what is appealing. This is not necessarily how things ought to be, but how they are. How, then, can marriage defenders address this increasingly emotive, hostile environment? Enter “You’ve Been Framed: A New Primer for the Marriage... Continue Reading
What to Expect When No One’s Expecting
America’s Coming Demographic Disaster
In the not too distant future, the only couples replacing themselves in America will be religious couples. As Last puts it, although there are many good reasons to have a baby, at the end of the day, “there’s only one good reason to go through the trouble a second time: Because you believe, in some... Continue Reading
How Much of a Pastor’s Vacation Time Should He Use?
Use it all for yourself, your family and your church.
The stewardship of my vacation time was once a glaring failure in my life. A few years ago, I was lovingly confronted by a dear friend and fellow pastor that I was not using all my vacation time. In his rebuke, he explained to me the reasons I should be taking every day of vacation... Continue Reading
Calvin’s Gravesite Identified?
Maybe, if he has recently turned over in it.
Except that TULIP is not Calvinism. …there is a sense in which these points are not Calvinism at all, because, while Calvin’s theology does implicitly teach them, they were formulated after his time in the context of controversy, and he would never have accepted them as an adequate summary of or even as the essential... Continue Reading
Post-Mortem on the 41st General Assembly of the PCA
I was also heartened by the fact that the Committee of Commissioners for the Interchurch Relations Committee (ICR) pressed the issue regarding membership in the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE). The NAE is a seriously flawed organization. The ICR Permanent Committee will have to be more diligent in the coming year in reporting on what... Continue Reading
The Trajectory of God
Church Politics and The New Evangelicalism in the Church of Scotland.
So where does this leave us all? In a confused mess. I do not think that it is sinful to stay in the Church of Scotland. However it is sinful to stay, talk of reformation and renewal and yet not fight for it. We must not hide behind pietism, truisms, or a distorted view of... Continue Reading
The Prolonged Suicide of the SBC – Part 2
We do our people no good, actually great harm, when we cater to their idolatry, regardless their age.
I believe we can have a blast in every other area of church life, including our evangelistic activities, but the secular fun must not touch our teaching or our worship. This is not arbitrary for God has told us in His word the source of salvation and the means of salvation; and the salvation of... Continue Reading
7 Marks of a False Teacher
False teachers circumstances may change, their methods remain consistent
False teachers obscure their false doctrine behind eloquent speech and what appears to be impressive logic. Just as a prostitute paints and perfumes herself to appear more attractive and more alluring, the false teacher hides his blasphemies and dangerous doctrine behind powerful arguments and eloquent use of language. He offers to his listeners the spiritual... Continue Reading
A New Tribe?
"If" A new "tribe" of women whose goal is to “gather, equip, and unleash the next generation of women to live out their purpose
While the intentions of these women may be good, I am concerned that this tribal movement is moving women away from the place God calls us to be disciples—the church. Of course, this is a danger for all parachurch organizations and we need to be careful to properly understand their place. Is their place discipleship?... Continue Reading
Why the Biblical Languages Matter—Even if You Forget Them
Put simply, it helps students think textually
Prior to learning the languages, most of us simply do not know how to think on a textual level when it comes to studying the Scripture. But after learning Greek or Hebrew (even if we forget it), we now understand grammar, syntax, logical flow, and sentence structure. Moreover, we understand the way words work, how their meaning... Continue Reading