Polygamists Celebrate Supreme Court’s Marriage Rulings
“The nuclear family, with a dad and a mom and two or three kids, is not the majority anymore,” one polygamist cheers.
But polygamists in the United States, where bigamy is a crime, have taken cues from the marriage equality movement, and the few public champions of the lifestyle have deliberately positioned themselves as libertarian-minded gay rights advocates as well. Following gay rights activists’ lead, polygamist families — like the Browns, with their TLC reality show Sister... Continue Reading
How Should You Explain the Same-Sex Marriage Debate to Your Children?
If we are discipling our children, let’s apply the Scriptures to all of life.
This doesn’t mean that we rattle our children with information they aren’t developmentally ready to process. But we know how to navigate that already. We talk, for instance, about marriage itself, and we give age-appropriate answers to the “Where do babies come from?” query. The same is true here. There is no need to inform... Continue Reading
An Answer to ‘Parliamentary “Proceduring” or Constitutional Compliance?’
The answer to the question is ‘no;’ the PCA General Assembly did not act in compliance with its own Constitution
My view is that the GA moderator erred in his interpretation of RAO 17-1, as advised by the Parliamentarian and supported by the General Assembly as a whole. The rulings related to the CCB exception and on Overtures 19 and 23, when taken together, have the effect of invalidating entirely the constitutional provision in BCO... Continue Reading
Liberals Embrace Fatherless (And Motherless) Families
With the Supreme Court giving a major boost to gay marriage, liberals face fewer impediments to their relentless push for fatherless (and motherless) families
Groups like the National Fatherhood Initiative popped up, creating wonderful ad campaigns reminding Americans of something that societies long deemed indispensable: kids need dads. Sons need dads. Daughters need dads. Families need dads. That principle remains unchanged. What has changed, however, is liberals/progressives fierce acceptance and advancement of gay marriage. In this rapid push, they... Continue Reading
A School of Second Chances
The professor is working with a ragtag collection of bright and ambitious, but downtrodden, inner city adults—not clever undergraduates at an elite institution
This book can make a case for something…here it is in a single word: redemption. Redemption is a religious word, but it’s a word taken from the slave market, entirely appropriate for a book titled The Art of Freedom. The Clemente Course offers a kind of secular redemption, and Shorris’s anecdotes show the beauty and grandeur of... Continue Reading
EPC GA Debates Revision of Abortion Statement
Revising their abortion statement was on the agenda of The Evangelical Presbyterian Church GA
For Presbyterians newly transferred from the PCUSA it was refreshing to participate in substantive debate on the nuances of wording in a gathering where there was clearly essential unity about standing against abortion and acknowledging that every human life is sacred and precious to God. Commissioners were clearly intent on giving careful attention to the... Continue Reading
Religious Liberty and the Gay Marriage Endgame
For now, the right to define marriage is still reserved to the states, which means that the political battle can continue
Unless something dramatic changes in the drift of public opinion, the future of religious liberty on these issues is going to depend in part on the magnanimity of gay marriage supporters — the extent to which they are content with political, legal and cultural victories that leave the traditional view of marriage as a minority perspective... Continue Reading
Fool Me Twice: Thoughts on Exodus’ Closing
Grace and the gospel, not self-centeredness, are what draw people to Christ exalting sexual expression
Chambers fails on two fronts. First, his understanding of the Lordship of Christ doesn’t seem to include sexuality. Second, he seems to be accepting that there are adjectives that go in front of “Christian” to mark a man’s identity, i.e., “gay Christian.” I think there were a lot of wrongheaded people in Exodus to begin... Continue Reading
Faulkner, Grant, Walked the Aisles of College Hill Church
The College Hill Church and the University of Mississippi grew up together.
College Hill Presbyterian Church is recognized as the oldest church in Lafayette County and for its rich history of serving the Oxford and Ole Miss family, after all the College Hill Church and the University of Mississippi grew up together. The church building was constructed in 1846 while laborers were constructing the Lyceum Building, which... Continue Reading
The PCA Insider Movement Report: A Different View
Reasons to support the Minority Report of the PCA Study on Insider Movements
In reading the critics of the Minority Report, one is left with the impression that the Minority Report is saying that Jews, Muslims, and Christians all worship the same God and therefore essentially the same faith. The Minority Report says no such thing. That is a misreading of the clear intent of the author. If... Continue Reading