John 3:16 and Man’s Ability to Choose God
An exegetical illusion: seeing what’s not there.
We conclude that fallen man is still free to choose what he desires, but because his desires are only wicked he lacks the moral ability to come to Christ. As long as he remains in the flesh, unregenerate, he will never choose Christ. He cannot choose Christ precisely because he cannot act against his own... Continue Reading
When Clergy Electioneer
The minister who “opened his mouth and swallowed a presidency.”
Eighteen eighty-four’s election was one of the nation’s dirtiest, and clergy were among its central actors. The example is instructive. Religion has often elevated American politics. But direct involvement by the clergy has not always been helpful. Their primary vocation is to speak God’s Word without compromise, a calling that does not easily transfer into... Continue Reading
“Mom, Dad… I’m Gay.” A Christian Parent’s Response
Advice on speaking the truth in love.
I’d like to offer an alternative response to Rachel. It’s not perfect either, I’m sure. Like many Christians I’m still learning how to respond to the social and cultural revolution of the past ten years or so. However, I think it is more biblical than Rachel’s, without being bullying. Rachel Held Evans concludes her blog... Continue Reading
Kingman Congregation Seeks to Honor God by Leaving PCUSA
Free and clear after final payment in June 2013.
Joan Johns, clerk of session for Kingman, said the move away from the PCUSA was one needed for the church. “Ours is an older congregation, a little long in the tooth to put it one way, but we still believe in the Bible and the way it was written,” Johns said. “When it was said... Continue Reading
Adam in the Balance
A reply to Bill Evans on the days of creation
A basic problem with dating the origin of the universe is that we use natural processes to clock natural processes. If certain cyclical or periodic processes are already in place, then (assuming a uniform rate) we can use these to clock other processes. But when dealing with the absolute origin of the universe, those processes... Continue Reading
The Doctrine the Church Can’t Live Without
Bonhoffer, Luther, and Justification by Faith Alone
Why is Bonhoeffer stressing justification, imputation, and alien righteousness in his lectures? Because, while it was so central to Luther in the sixteenth century, the Lutheran church of the twentieth century had let the doctrine go by the wayside. The church had sold its birthright. We should not wonder at this. The doctrine of alien... Continue Reading
The Other Shoe Drops on Gay Marriage
A lesbian couple in Michigan is now suing for adoption rights based on last week’s DOMA decision.
And, similar to Supreme Court Justice Kennedy’s decision on the DOMA case, the lawsuit alleges that the state law violates the equal protection clause in the Fourteenth Amendment. Later, the suit was amended to include a challenge to the state’s gay marriage ban, too, also citing equal protection and due process. That ban, passed by... Continue Reading
Let’s Level the Playing Field
Now that gender is, according to the courts, nothing more than an attitude of mind, could we dispense with all the talk of 'women's rights'?
The whining about unequal pay and prestige for women athletes could now be nicely brought to an end: if gender is just an attitude of mind, then when it comes to athletics, let human beings compete on a level — nay, on the same — playing field. Of course, it might just be that gender... Continue Reading
When Love and Theology Unite
Since we love the Lord, we also love the truth. This is a very important element of theology.
Unity in the body of Christ is also important to me. This is something that all Christians long for. We want to be united. I think that we all want to be united in our love for one another, and we would all like to say that we care about the truth. Unfortunately, sometimes these... Continue Reading
The PCA Insider Movements Minority Report: Misunderstandings or Subterranean Differences?
Does the PCA Minority Report present a sudden exposure of problematic subterranean theological moves latent in the report all along?
I believe that Attachment 4 is an outcropping of problematic subterranean theological commitments, and it is not the only one. Those subterranean commitments include a deficient understanding of common grace, which leads to an endorsement of a form of natural theology, to the extent that it affirms much of the Koran and the Islamic doctrine... Continue Reading