The Splitting Branch of the Presbyterian Vine Produces Some Sour Grapes
Stated Clerk of the PCUSA reminds the EPC that congregations must be formally dismissed by the PCUSA before being received by the EPC
That statement begs the question what legitimate mission does the presbytery have beyond its congregations? Does not the presbytery exist to support the witness of Christ through its constituent congregations? Or, in fact, do the congregations exist to support the higher governing bodies of the denominational structure, including the presbytery? Has the traditional inverted triangular... Continue Reading
Civility, bullying and same-sex marriage
Even those who disagree with each other about morally charged issues of public policy need to be able to live together
Marriage re-definers don’t tend to say what many opponents have said, that this is a difficult question on which reasonable people of goodwill can disagree. No, they’ve said anyone who disagrees with them is the equivalent of a racist. They’ve sent a clear message: If you stand up for marriage, we will, with the help... Continue Reading
Must All Regulative Principle Churches Look the Same?
Churches should be the same, but not uniform
The worship gatherings of the churches I’ve mentioned are very similar, yet very different. They faithfully obey God’s clear commands in Scripture to sing the word, pray the word, and preach the word. But as you can tell from my descriptions, they are far from identical—and I don’t think they should be. This diverse sameness... Continue Reading
Succession (not apostolic)
How do you replace the guy who defined the institution?
When that pastor retires or takes another call, the congregation assembles a committee and calls another man who will carry out his functions in the context of this congregation’s characteristics (both good and bad). Out of these circumstances emerges a form of spontaneous order where congregations and pastors have reasonable expectations of each other, ones... Continue Reading
An Ordinary Means of Grace Model of Ministry
Independent Presbyterian Church: an “ordinary means” congregation
Our spiritual well-being is to be nurtured primarily in the assembly of the whole people of God, led by ordained leadership, under the ministry of the word, with a full-diet of prayer, and the regular administration of the sacraments. These assemblies may not be cathartic but they are solid, and they are what we need... Continue Reading
America Is Raising A Generation of Kids Who Can’t Think or Write Clearly
The decades-long war against English and the other humanities has succeeded in many ways, which has had some unintended and very negative effects
De-emphasizing, de-funding, and demonizing the humanities means that students don’t get trained well in the things that are the hardest to teach once at a job: thinking and writing clearly. CEOs, including Jeff Bezos, Logitech’s Bracken Darrell, Aetna’s Mark Bertolini, and legendary Intel co-founder Andy Grove emphasize how essential clear writing and the liberal arts... Continue Reading
Report on the 2013 Christian Reformed Church Synod
The Christian Reformed Church in North America held its annual Synod meeting from June 7-14, 2013 in Grand Rapids, Mich.
The latest survey of those in the CRC pews, showing a number of disappointing trends. The average age is increasing. Fewer homes have children. People spend less time in personal devotions. Sunday evening attendance is down. The highest rate of giving to the church was among those aged 75 and older… Nevertheless, over 170 CRC... Continue Reading
Essential Parenting
If you believe everything you read, then kids are doomed
What can I do to foster positive youth development in my children? More than half of the variance in positive youth development is predicted by two components. First, pursue and establish healthy parent-teen relationships. Second, model and support a life of religious faith and practice. These are the essentials of parenting. These should not be... Continue Reading
Understanding the “Federal Vision”
The word federal means "covenantal." Federal Vision proponents seek to revitalize and develop the doctrines of the covenant and the church
Historic Reformed theology has also understood its doctrine of justification to entail a blessed sense of assurance on the part of believers and to guarantee their perseverance to the end. If faith is reconceived as faithfulness, or is thought to include such in its basic definition, as it is for many who promote the Federal... Continue Reading
Churches Boost Security as Violent Incidents Grow
The number of deadly episodes at sanctuaries has soared over the last decade…Florida law allows people to carry weapons in houses of worship.
“You never know who may come to your facility but if you’re visiting us, you learn early on that there are a few people who are paying attention and watching the crowds. And we do have armed people in the services,” said John Lucas, the chief security officer for the church. Lucas said that several... Continue Reading