The Phrase that Enslaves Moms in Every Season
The unkindness of "Just Wait"
The overly used and commonly unkind phrase “just wait” fills hearers hearts with dread and causes them to doubt God’s goodness. It robs both new moms and even seasoned moms of rest in gospel realities. Christ himself is our peace—he has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility by abolishing by law... Continue Reading
A Boys’ Camp to Redefine Gender
"You Are You" : a four-day camp for gender nonconforming boys and their parents
Morris hopes to eventually publish a book of her work and also launch a large multimedia show that travels the country and the world to show a new face of LGBT youth. The children featured here and in Morris’ project are photographed with the permission of the their parents. Her ultimate goal is to start... Continue Reading
UPDATE: Trinity Presbyterian (PCA), Opelika, Ala., Recovering from Church Fire
The building of Trinity PCA in Opelika significantly damaged by fire
On Sunday [July 14, 2013], the congregation of Trinity Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Opelika, Ala., gathered at the EAMC Health Resource Center to hold church. The church, which has been in Opelika since 1973, caught on fire Saturday night, causing significant damage to the surrounding office spaces, as well as water damage to the sanctuary.... Continue Reading
Theistic Evolution: A Sinful Compromise
An overview of John Otis' new book on theistic evolution
The second half of his book is focused on addressing specific concerns of particular organizations and individuals. Because Pastor Otis is an elder in a reformed, Presbyterian denomination, he is particularly concerned with organizations and individuals either within the reformed world or with considerable influence within reformed churches. These include: the BioLogos Foundation, Dr. Tim... Continue Reading
Race Relations: Four Things You Can Do to Help
Thoughts on how to make a difference for good
I can tell you two subjects on which I’m not an expert: the Trayvon Martin case and racial reconciliation. As to the former, I did not follow the Zimmerman trial carefully and have nothing to add to the many fine pieces that have already been written (see, for example, Trillia Newbell’s post). And as for... Continue Reading
Born that Way — Reborn Another
We are born into this world shackled in sin’s guilt and slaves to sin’s power—and it shows
This new creating work brings deliverance from sin’s guilt and power and allows for freedom for a new life. We don’t want to get the idea that in this new condition we will no longer have to wrestle with sin. On the contrary, our struggle with sin may well intensify. Born the way we were, sin was natural to... Continue Reading
Learning the Hard Way
Natural law may not be as good a teacher as some Christians think
Orthodox scholar David Bentley Hart doubts that Paul is talking about natural law as we understand it. Nature, says Hart, is limited in her instructional capacities, unable to tell us “that abortion is murder, that lying is wrong, that marriage should be monogamous, that we should value charity above personal profit, and that it is... Continue Reading
CRC Takes on Same-Sex Marriage
The Christian Reformed Church Synod 2013 forms a study committee to expand on its current stance on homosexuality
The study committee’s mandate is to guide churches, pastors and members on how to apply the biblical view of the 1973 report regarding the legality of same-sex marriage, how to communicate this view with truth and grace in this society; address the legal, ethical and spiritual ramifications; and identify resources and best practices to facilitate... Continue Reading
Restrictions on Religion Have Increased Globally Since the Arab Spring
A new Pew Research Center study finds that religious restrictions and social hostilities have increased worldwide since the beginning of the Arab Spring in 2011.
Two countries reached five-year, worldwide highs in either governmental restrictions or social hostilities – Egypt and Pakistan. The report also listed China, Syria, Bahrain and Myanmar, among other countries, as having unusually high levels of religious restriction and social hostility. Governmental restrictions on religious freedoms and social hostilities related to religious differences have increased globally since the... Continue Reading
The Central Tragedy of this Case Remains—Trayvon Martin Belongs to Us All
America is divided once again in the aftermath of the verdict in the George Zimmerman trial.
But there is one talk I never had to have with my son, and my father never had to have with me. That is the talk about what to do when the police pull you over and you are a young black man. The talk about what to do when you are eyed suspiciously by... Continue Reading