Is There Only One Motivation for Obedience?
In the midst of looking back, we should not forget to look forward
Indeed, I would argue that the finished work of Christ, and his great mercy and grace toward us, is the core motivation for our obedience. But, what is interesting is that the Bible does not offer just this single motivation. God’s word offers a multiplicity of reasons for our obedience that touch different aspects of... Continue Reading
Baptism is Not Faith
One of the major ways in which the Federal Vision departs from the historic Reformed/Presbyterian confessions is in their view of baptism
Unlike the Federal Vision, the Reformed position doesn’t attribute this type of efficacy or instrumentality to baptism. Instead, the Reformed talk about faith alone (sola fide) as an instrument: the Heidelberg Catechism says we are grafted into Christ and receive all his benefits and our inheritance by faith alone (Q/A 20, 21, 60, 61; cf.... Continue Reading
Pastor and Chaplain
“Nurture the living; Care for the wounded; and Honor the dead.”
A chaplain is a pastor, that is to say, a shepherd. Not always of a parish congregation, mind you, but always of a flock of spiritual sheep. The responsibilities of a chaplain-pastor are usually broader than normal parish ministry. He will work more on clergy teams; advise religiously vague staff; start from zero, spiritually speaking,... Continue Reading
Lead Worship on a Cruise Ship
An opportunity to be a blessing to others
Since then, I have conducted worship a number of times and have been blessed with many opportunities for ministry. Granted, as a minister, I am on vacation, and on some trips I have opted not to do the service, because I needed the rest; but other times, especially when a Sunday has come at the... Continue Reading
How the Trinity Works Together in Salvation
Calvinists believe that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are united in the work of redeeming lost mankind.
The Father and Son are united in their work for the salvation of those who believe: the Father electing and sending His Son; the Son atoning for the sins of those chosen and given to Him by the Father (John 6:37–40). The same harmony exists between the Son and the Spirit. Jesus did not die... Continue Reading
The Craft of Life-Changing Preaching
We have devalued the communication aspect of powerful, effective, life-changing, gospel preaching
I’m not suggesting that this regimen of preparation is the right one for you, but we cannot be satisfied with poorly prepared exegetical meanderings, delivered by a pastor who doesn’t see his own mediocrity because his heart needs to be recaptured by the awe of God’s glory and grace. God’s presence in our preaching and... Continue Reading
Delaware Pastor Draws “A Line in the Sand”
TE Dekker (PCA) preached a sermon on the beach as part of a July 4th celebration
Ferrese granted permission for a one-time event on July 4 to “celebrate freedom on our nation’s birthday” with a rally to include “music, prayer, testimony and preaching,” after the pastor sought another permit. … So, Dekker took to the beach on Independence Day, preaching a sermon by the shore that he titled “Line in the... Continue Reading
Sinclair Ferguson’s Reflections on the Gospel in Scotland and in American Evangelicalism: Substituting the Idea of Grace for The Person of Jesus Christ
Preaching about grace detached from the person of Christ
…reviewing what took place in Scotland would be to understand how easily the church slips into turning on its head what theologians would call the indicative of the Gospel and the imperative of the Gospel: focusing on the administration of rites rather than the ministry of the Holy Spirit as the means by which salvation... Continue Reading
Former NY Times Writer Virginia Heffernan Lampooned for Admitting She’s a Creationist
Former New York Times technology and culture writer Virginia Heffernan, who now writes for Yahoo! News, recently told the world she's a creationist and she has become a lightning rod for ridicule because of it.
“I am a creationist. There, I said it. At least you, dear readers, won’t now storm out of a restaurant like the last person I admitted that to. In New York City saying you’re a creationist is like confessing you think Ahmadinejad has a couple of good points. Maybe I’m the only creationist I know,”... Continue Reading
Another Big Mistake that Young Preachers Make
Prayer can transform both pastoring and preaching
The conversation goes like this, “I pray for you and every family in our church regularly and I wanted to know if there was anything that you would like for me to specifically pray about.” Write it down, pray for it, and ask them about it after a period of time. This will change the... Continue Reading