Why Christians Should Be Speaking Up about the Surveillance State
Government Overreach, Compliant Christians, and the Founding Fathers
So, we should speak up when the government decides it knows best about our personal information and freedom. We cannot sit idly by while they decide to store the phone numbers and names of people we call, touch the private parts of 13-year olds in the name of airport security (using a system that is... Continue Reading
How the West Really Lost God
A book about the importance of families to the life and health of Christianity
On one level, families and Christianity reinforce each other on the level of plausibility. The responsibilities of parenting often drive people to (or back to) church. At the same time, Eberstadt points to the Christian narrative’s dependence on family language, such as God the Father, and God the Son. At a deeper level, Christianity’s social... Continue Reading
A Pastor’s First Concern
Keeping the scalpel sharp and sanitary
Like an adult in a jetliner is instructed to don the oxygen mask herself before tending to her child, so those entrusted with the care of the congregation are to make sure they are in good position themselves. This is especially important when we realize that the congregation is the “church of God.” I heard... Continue Reading
What’s at Stake with Internet Pornography
In our time, pornography is the destroying angel of (especially male) Eros
With the advent of Internet technology, with its near universal reach and its promise of secrecy, pornography has been weaponized. In some sectors, especially of our young male populations, it is nearly universal. This universality is not, contrary to the propaganda of the pornographers themselves, a sign of its innocence but of its power. In... Continue Reading
9 Reasons Why Church Leaders Struggle with Prayer
General conclusions after asking for details
We can talk about prayer, teach about prayer, write about prayer, and even lead corporately in prayer – all without anyone knowing that personal prayer is sporadic at best. John, a leader in a church I assisted as a consultant, admitted to me what I’d heard before from seminary students and church leaders alike: “Dr.... Continue Reading
Does R.C. Sproul Believe in Miracles?
Giving an answer and clarifying the question
Theologians get real tight in their making of distinctions, and when I say I don’t believe in miracles today, I don’t believe in the tight kind of miracle in the very narrow sense where a miracle is defined as a work that occurs in the external perceivable world; an extraordinary work in the external perceivable... Continue Reading
An Important but Neglected Distinction
Christians are called to have a "childlike" faith, not a "childish" one.
All of us can be tempted in this direction when we are not given what we want and proceed immediately thereafter to throw out of our little prams whatever toys we happen to have. And what can one say about the consistent failure of the Christian twitterati, from the least to the greatest, to understand... Continue Reading
In Praise of a Small Church
A small congregation, when it is seeking to obey God, can possess positive attributes that a megachurch, because of its size, cannot easily achieve.
It gives personal pastoral access. A small church’s pastor knows the members’ names. He sees them in their homes and encounters them in places like the frozen yogurt shop. He is not too busy speaking at national conferences to attend to the needs of his little flock. He provides spiritual support in all situations from... Continue Reading
Why College Ministry Needs the Local Church
This generation desperately needs leadership, examples of godly families, and love to help them navigate an ever-changing and increasingly confusing world.
So if your church is considering college ministry, know that loving students isn’t always the easiest. They will probably eat you out of house and home without saying thank you, want to blare music at a much higher decibel than you would choose, and may even wreck your church van without reporting it. But they... Continue Reading
Ten Basic Facts about the NT Canon that Every Christian Should Memorize: #10
Early Christians Believed that Canonical Books were Self-Authenticating
In the end, the church fathers teach us a very important truth. The NT canon we possess today is not due to the machinations of later church leaders, or to the political influence of Constantine, but due to the fact that these books imposed themselves on the church through their internal qualities. How do... Continue Reading