Sovereign Grace Ministry Leaders Blast Whistleblower
Brent Detwiler, a critic of Sovereign Grace Ministries and founder C.J. Mahaney, plans to respond Friday to a public statement accusing him of slander.
“We denounce as sinful and unbiblical his determined effort to accuse our brethren,” the council says of Detwiler, who blogs at “Consequently, we urge our brothers and sisters in Christ to avoid giving audience to Brent Detwiler’s unbiblical speech until such a time that he repents of this ungodly pattern. Such harmful speech is ruinous... Continue Reading
People Want a Church to Be a Church
An interview with Brett McCracken on Christian hipsters, Millenials, and navigating the “gray matters” of the Christian life
Brett McCracken has authored two interesting books. In 2010 he released,Hipster Christianity: When Church and Cool Collide and just recently Grey Matters: Navigating the Space Between Legalism and Liberty. Your first book Hipster Christianity took issue with the evangelical church’s obsession with being relevant. It’s interesting that Millennials seem to hold two things in tension: they don’t like being... Continue Reading
Even Jesus Didn’t Live Like a Christian Celebrity
Our defenses of Christian fame fall flat when we look at the ministry of Christ.
But what about impacting the kingdom of God? What about having famous people use their gigantic platform to woo people to Jesus? While it’s not inherently wrong to attain fame or to gain thousands of followers, it is shortsighted to think that only famous people can “make Jesus famous.” The notion of Christian... Continue Reading
Motherhood: The Introvert’s Challenge
Motherhood is a challenge for every type of woman but I believe it is harder for the introvert
Why was it that I was feeling this constant urge to get away from my children if I loved them so much? Add to that the sincere Christian desire to live a life of self-sacrifice for the sake of the well-being of others and one has a recipe for burnout. The guilt led me into... Continue Reading
Hymns on Broadway
Trip to Bountiful is a poetic cultural counterweight
This spontaneous audience choir has been happening every night, in every performance. It’s not normal Manhattan audience behavior: When The New York Times first noticed the singing, it published a story about it on the front page. The audience—largely African-American the night I attended–probably isn’t made up of typical New Yorkers. Two African-American ladies next to me... Continue Reading
An Insider’s Perspective on Egypt Today
Many people took to the streets of Cairo on July 26 to show their solidarity against the aggressive and disruptive behavior of the Muslim Brotherhood
While much of what you see in the media is true, it represents a selective perspective of what’s really happening. The claim that the MB are “peaceful demonstrators” runs contrary to the violence and brutality we’re experiencing on our streets. Anyone with the misfortune of walking or driving close to one of their demonstrations is... Continue Reading
The Assurance of Discipline
When we’re immature we see discipline as a negative thing, but as we grow we begin to see it as one of the most enduring blessings of life
Those without discipline are orphans. Parents who don’t discipline their children are emotionally and spiritually abusing their children, and are setting them on a path of self-destruction. Pastors who don’t discipline their people by preaching the unvarnished Word of God in season and out of season are not good shepherds but masked thieves. The... Continue Reading
Glenn Davies Elected Archbishop of Sydney
The Diocese of Sydney Synod has elected the Rt. Rev. Glenn Davies as its 12th archbishop
Dr. Davies’ election as successor to Dr. Jensen thrusts the 62-year-old archbishop-elect into the international Anglican spotlight, making him one of the de facto leaders of the conservative renewal movement of the Anglican Communion – and arguably the most influential “white” archbishop in the Communion after the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby. The Diocese... Continue Reading
Why I Went To Cemetery / Seminary
“Why did you, a ‘Jesus Movement’ guy eventually go to seminary?”
It hit me – followers of Christ had knelt here for thirteen hundred years, humbly receiving grace and forgiveness through the wine and the bread – and I had just shown up to the party. While I wasn’t ready to reject the powerful move of the Holy Spirit I had seen in recent years, I... Continue Reading
Blowing The Hinges Off Of Hell’s Gates
Is the Church to be on the offense, or the defense?
Over the past few years, I’ve wondered if the Church is supposed to be on the offense, if we are called to blow the hinges off of Hell’s gates, then why do we plant new congregations so tepidly? Why do we prioritize the planting of churches in environments that we think will be most “receptive,”... Continue Reading