The Biggest Risk Facing Young, Reformed Black Men
The biggest risk facing young, Reformed Black men is being thrust into ministry too soon
Well-meaning folks are eager to get a Reformed Black man into leadership and help them become more multi-ethnic and multi-cultural. But these sincere offers are sincerely misguided. Most people present me with leadership positions having only just met me. They have no idea what my biblical qualifications, or skills or reputation are. They simply see... Continue Reading
Why Do People Leave the Church?
Fundamentally, the reason anyone leaves the Church is because they don't love God
Notice I do not say that they leave churches because they don’t love God, but that they leave the Church for that reason. Sometimes there are legitimate reasons for leaving a local church and, though this is not the place to discuss the subject in detail, I readily admit it may be a necessary step... Continue Reading
Tribute to Morton H. Smith
A tribute to Morton Smith on the news that Greenville Seminary granted him emeritus status
Dr. Smith was also a consummate churchman. He was the first stated clerk of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) – a position he held for 16 years. In 2000 he was elected to be the moderator of their General Assembly. Dr. Smith loved and still loves the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. He... Continue Reading
Good News and Good Deeds
We are to carefully ponder or study how we might encourage or stimulate each other to love God and our neighbor
Of course, this command to encourage others applies in all of our relationships, but for those of us who are married, perhaps it applies most particularly to our spouses. In other words, part of my vocation as a wife, is to spend time carefully thinking how I might encourage my husband, Phil, to love God... Continue Reading
Hand-To-Hand Combat
Arm’s length warfare shouldn’t be the default: Sometimes only a close eye and a ready hand will do
As hundreds of bombs fell, and the City of London burned as it hadn’t since the Great Fire of 1666, the men and women of the cathedral watch climbed among the joists of its ancient lead roofs, staying ahead of the firebombs with sandbags and water buckets. In all they extinguished 28 incendiary bombs that... Continue Reading
John 3:16 – the Bible’s Message in a Nutshell
John 3:16 is a remarkable verse. It captures the redemptive message of the entire Bible in a nutshell
Spread across the chest of the black shirt in large, red letters are the English words: “For,” “so,” and “the.” Underneath, to the right, is the reference in English and in a much smaller font “John 3:16.” Between the English words in the main line are three Japanese characters, set in white against the black... Continue Reading
Update: Now Confirmed, Body Found Tuesday Identified as Missing Teen Abigail Bonner
Abigail Bonner, 17, a member of First Presbyterian Church in Jackson, has been missing since Aug. 3
“Please pray for the peace of God that surpasses all understanding for Lance and Rachel and all of the children,” Abigail’s uncle said. “Abigail loved Christ with all her heart, and we know that she is with Him now. While we are left here in grief and sorrow, we cling to Christ’s promises that Abigail... Continue Reading
How the Federal Vision Won the PCA
Make it all about personalities and martyrdom. Everyone loves a martyr. Don’t let it be about doctrine.
I would, however, like to ask the SJC this simple question: is your interpretation of the polity of the PCA putting polity higher in importance than the gospel? If God were to ask you why you allowed a heterodox teacher to remain in the flock, are you going to feel comfortable telling God that the... Continue Reading
Peter Enns on Raising Young Heretics
What should you do when your young child expresses doubt about the Bible, or even outright unbelief and skepticism?
After reflecting on his son’s skepticism, Enns concludes: “I am proud of that little six-year-old, who trusted himself enough not to play games.” “Who trusted himself enough?” The whole message of the Bible is trust God and not yourself. To trust yourself is to play a deadly game that no one has ever won. ... Continue Reading
Should Reformed Theology Move Beyond Covenant Theology?
A response to Bill Evans' "Let’s Rethink This “Covenant” Issue, Shall We"
Finally, I do not understand the attraction of these sorts of arguments, i.e., the sorts of arguments that imply that Reformed theology is in crisis and the only way to save it is to kill it. This is the “we had to bomb the village in order to save it” mentality. No, we don’t. What... Continue Reading