8 Ways Our View of the Bible Impacts Preaching
Nothing more impacts preaching than a preacher’s view of the Bible.
If we don’t believe that the Bible is perfect and without error, we will set ourselves up as critics above the Bible rather than students under the Bible. By highlighting the Bible’s so-called “problems” we will weaken confidence in the Bible. If we believe the Bible is inerrant, then we will stick with the Bible... Continue Reading
The Truth About Pro-life Christians
A consistently pro-life Christian cares deeply for babies and their mothers and fathers throughout their entire lifespan.
Relevant Magazine’s rant illustrates all the stereotypes and assumptions about pro-life Christians commonly parroted in secular publications. I expect this from a culture that accepts abortion as a given and emphasizes personal choice and autonomy as sacred values, thus can’t understand that there is any substance to pro-life beliefs beyond moralistic power grabs. But Christians... Continue Reading
There Are Only Two Kinds Of Sermons
One is the gospel, the other is get-better messages
When you get to church to find out that the preacher is in the third of a 10-sermon series on “10 steps to cure depression” get up and run out of there as fast as your depressed legs can take you. It’s self-help, not the gospel. Chalk it up to a well meaning preacher who... Continue Reading
You Can’t Know God’s Will: Decision Making and God’s Will
Learning the distinction between God's will of decree and precept.
God’s decretive will takes in absolutely everything, even sin. It is worked out in the big and little things of God’s providential dealings with us. But it is unknowable to us except in retrospect. You know it only after it happens. Knowledge of God’s will in this sense cannot guide us through life just because... Continue Reading
Director of Chaplains Ministry Institute Appointed at Charlotte campus RTS
Chaplain Mack Griffith to head Chaplains Ministry Institute
Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte announces the appointment of Chaplain (COL) Mack Griffith as the director of the Chaplains Ministry Institute (CMI). The purpose of the CMI is to prepare students to serve as chaplains in military, hospital, and corporate settings. As director of the CMI Chaplain Griffith will mentor those in the program, will... Continue Reading
Sitting With The Kids!
Worshipping with children in church.
As my Baptist brother says:’you paedobaptists baptise a child, saying to the child you are now part of the church, you belong to the people of God, you are as much part of the church as the rest of us, now we are going to do the most important thing this church ever does, hear... Continue Reading
Seminary Wives: 10 Encouragements for the Journey
A Wife's Time in Seminary is a Part of Her Ministry
There is no greater gift you can give to your husband or to the kingdom than to continually seek to know the Lord. Be a prayerful wife. Take your burdens to the Lord before you take them to your husband. Drink deeply from the sweet waters of time spent in fellowship with Jesus. Come to... Continue Reading
On The Block
Law makers may eliminate deductions for charitable contributions
Dan Streeter, executive director of the mission, is worried those donors may soon have less reason to give: Tax-writing committees in the House and Senate are working behind the scenes on tax reform legislation, and some lawmakers want to cut, alter, or even eliminate deductions for charitable giving. City Rescue Mission serves a homeless... Continue Reading
What Is the Proper Response to Grace?
Keeping the law is the saved sinner's grateful response to grace.
Grace must raise the temptation to think we can sin as we please; if it does not, we have not understood the true extent of grace. However, at no time can we yield to the temptation to think this way (note Paul’s answer to his question in 6:1—“by no means”), because Christians are called to a life... Continue Reading
Bookshops of the Egyptian Bible Society Burnt and Destroyed
Similar incidents are taking place across the nation and to date 15 churches and 3 Christian schools have been attacked and some set on fire.
It is important to underline that — while some Christian properties have been the victim of this violence — they are by no means the only ones targeted. This is an attack against the State by a violent minority in an attempt to destabilize the Nation. I have just received the sad news of the... Continue Reading